Chapter 5

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Victoria Fox

"What the hell were you thinking? You just grab me and kiss me?" I asked, fuming, as we entered his house after the long day at his grandparents' house.

"Yes, it was a bad idea but it worked, right?" He asked more like stated. It did work, Mary completely stopped asking questions after she caught us and was also a bit awkward around us. I was happy that now Joseph wouldn't find out but kissing him was wrong, and-

Oh my god! I cheated on Benjamin. I kissed him back, not only that, I even shamelessly enjoyed it.

I am a bitch.

"Aaron, you have to let me out of this house! This can never work! You can't lock me in here forever. This act that you have been putting on for years about not feeling anything, being a stone-hearted person is not going to work on me. I can see right through you!" I yelled at him and he just looked at me, analyzing me, like he was trying to understand something.

"I am sorry, you can go to your restaurant to work, you can meet Benjamin and you can go to your house to bring your stuff here." He said as he handed over my phone and I was stunned. I didn't think I'd convince him so fast.

"As long as you come back." He said, hurt evident in his voice, I felt my heart stop. I really needed to know what happened.

I walked up to him and stood in front of him firmly, "I won't leave your side until you tell me what happened with Katrine. I've obediently listened to everything and I've been nothing but patient with you. So tell me now, or else I would stop being so understanding and you'll regret not listening to me." I warn him with a stern voice and he nods.

"Fine, let's sit down and I'll talk." He agreed again.

Wow! What's wrong with Aaron?

"You remember my engagement to Katrine, right?" he asked as he sat down. I just nodded and actioned him to continue.

"Well, I was in love with her and I asked her to marry me after I learned that she was pregnant with my child." My mouth fell as I heard those words. I disappeared for a few months after his engagements because it hurt me deeply. I couldn't bear seeing him with another woman but the fact that she was pregnant made my stomach drop.

"Well, I was there throughout her pregnancy, I helped her shop, we painted the baby room and attended the doctor's appointments. I was going to have a little girl, everything I ever wished for was coming true. She was in her ninth month when-" He spoke in a tired tone, reliving the thing that happened was still haunting him, I could see that.

I didn't like the feeling, I didn't want to hear what happened next.

"I woke up one morning and she was gone. I hired investigators and filed police complaints but to no avail. I cried feeling like I failed to protect my fiancé and my child. Then after a few months, I got a call from one of my investigators saying she was married to a man, for ten years and it was his child she was pregnant with all along. She was only with me to perform corporate espionage which was successful, I lost all the companies that grandpa had handed me. Of course I recovered them but I lost my child, a child that never existed." He said as he looked at me gravely.

I didn't know what to say after that. Katrine seemed so sweet and caring when I met her. I thought my situation was sort of similar with Aaron's but his was so much worse.

"After that I never trusted anyone except for my family. Even the women I sleep with, I investigate them first, so that I don't fall for it again." He says as he gets up and heads over to his room.

I follow him, wanting to ask more questions.

"You know it's not going to happen again? You have to start trusting people, not every person is going to break your heart." I stopped him in his tracks and told him.

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