Chapter 22

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Victoria Fox

Greece was so freaking beautiful!

As I roamed around the convention, it felt like home to me. I love cooking and I love food. I can't wait to go back to my restaurant and try all the new things that I have learnt here just in a day. I can't believe I have been putting off coming to Greece for years

I guess I have to thank Aaron for this lovely surprise. We landed here yesterday in the evening after my mom and Elizabeth decided to go home. He was busy with calls and meeting since yesterday, he told me that he'll join me here in a few hours but I didn't mind. Everything was going really well with us, too well.

So I decided to start a fight with him just to be on the safe side. I laughed as I recalled our argument, earlier this morning:

"DID YOU KILL THE SMALL SPIDER IN THE BATHROOM WINDOW?" I asked as I came rushing out of the bathroom to see bare-chested Aaron dressing up.

Why is it so hot to watch a hot man get dressed?

"Yes, it is just a small spider, Victoria." I gasp loudly and cover my mouth with my hand in shock and he just rolls his eyes at me as if I am overreacting.

"I had already named him, his name was incy wincy and now you've killed him." I accuse as I point my finger at him.

"Why would you name a spider? I thought you were scared of them?" He asks in confusion as his eyes goes down to my towel clad body making me squeeze my legs.

"Exactly why I named him, I can't believe my husband is a murderer." I say as I shake my head in disappointment and he had the nerve to chuckle.

"It's just a spider, Victoria." He pecks my lips after he gets dressed and was about to leave.

"Yeah, let me see what you say when the giant spider army attacks you. I am not going to protect you. I will just point my finger in your direction when they ask me who murdered their brother." I tell him seriously, but I don't think he understands the depth of the issue based on his expression.

"I don't think a giant spider army exists." He says as he has the nerve to chuckle again.

"Like you could possibly know that." I snort and he looks at me for a minute, "Victoria, I feel like this conversation is as useless as the one where you asked me who the aliens would like more if we get abducted."

"I can't wait to see the look on your face when aliens arrive and like me more." I mutter and he just stares at me like he has given up.

It was the same look my mother gives me which loosely translated to I love her but sometimes I just want to leave her at an orphanage.

"Victoria! What are you doing here?" I was broken out of my trance to see Ryder West in front of me. Ryder West was a small affair I had when Aaron was dating Katrine.

"I am here on a second honeymoon actually." I say truthfully, not wanting any confusion to be there, "Aaron will join me soon after his meeting with investors is over."

"Wow, work during honeymoon, I don't think I would have been able to work if I was here with you." He jokes and I chuckle dryly, not liking the implication his words had.

"Well it's more like honeymoon during work. Anyways what are you doing here?" I ask to shift the subject as we walk around the massive convention.

"Oh my mother is a celebrity chef and she couldn't be here, so I am actually filling in for her. I hope you didn't forget my amazing food during our small umm fling." He reminds me again, yes, he was an amazing cook. We were together for just two weeks I think, but he cooked for me a lot and yes, he made mouthwatering food.

Aaron Riverwood (Billionaire Brothers Series-2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя