Another girl?

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Both Seth and Aiden were sleeping at Jeremiah's house, they sat there while it rained that day, talking about anything that came to mind other than school. "Mrs. Miller is gonna kill me with this homework." The tall boy with short locs said. "Didn't we stop talking about your stupid math. No one cares since you're gonna fail either way." Aiden looked over from his phone. "Yeah bu-" Seth cut him off, "Speaking of school actually, my tutor emailed me. Apparently we'll have our first session like on Wednesday." He said. Aiden yawned. "You dumbasses, its 1 A.M already." He said yawning again and putting his phone down. "Awh~ Is it wittle Aidens bedtime~" Jeremiah teased the boy. The blonde sighed, then laughed.

~Aidens POV~
"Lemme change my shirt real quick..." I said getting a bit flustered since Seth is sitting next to me. I mean, Jeremiah is quiet attractive too but, Seth... I grabbed my white shirt that had a stain on it and took off my shirt quickly. "Hmm? Aiden, is that a h-hicky?" Jeremiah said getting a bit closer to my collarbone where Seth had marked me. I looked over at the dark-skinned boy. "Uhm..yeah?" I replied, trying to seem less uncomfortable. "I thought it had worn off." I thought. " Ooo!~ Who gave you that?" Jeremiah asked. I saw Seth rubbing the back of his neck, getting uncomfortable. "Oh- Uhm..R-right! This girl I hooked up with last week...Uh her name is Nichi. She goes to Malou. Y-yeah..." I said obviously flustered from the questions Jeremiah is asking. " Did you mark her?" He elbowed me. I nodded, not knowing what to do. "Mhmm..." I said putting my shirt over my head. " Damn we're talking about Nichi Konago, right? Shes fine, man. You're lucky." I looked over at Seth. "Yeah! Shes the real deal!" He laughed. "How could he act like that? He hides it so well..."

~Authors POV~

Jeremiah, Aiden and Seth all laid on the hard floor of the living room. The tall dark-skin slept in the middle of them. "Goodnight guys!" Seth said looking over at both the boys.

The lovers ambivalence Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ