Do the work

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A/N- Sorry this was more on the shorter side 💀

They ran to the gas station near by and entered. "I want coffee." Aiden said blankly. He poured some coffee while Seth got some cold water. They paid for their drinks and went outside even though. "Arent you gonna catch a cold?" Aiden asked. "The water isn't that cold, stupid" He flicked the blonds forehead. "Ow!" He rubbed his forehead. They chit chatted about random things while sipping on their drinks. "Dude, it's already 4 o'clock, wanna head to the library?" Aiden nodded.

~Time-skip: In the library~ 4:23 P.M
"Shush!" A woman called out to the boys sitting behind the bookshelves. "Sorry! Sorry!" Seth gave an apologetic look. "You need to fucking focus on logging in and stop joking around." Aiden rolled his eyes and made eye contact with Seth. They both burst into laughter. The brunette quickly shushed Aiden by putting his hands over the boys mouth as he saw the old lady look up at them. Aiden licked the boys hand to get him to take his hands off. Seth widened his eyes. "Again?! Here?" he said as he took his hands away. The blonde tilted his head, confused. "What are you talking about?.." He asked. "Oh uh.. I thought you wanted to like...y'know, here since you licked my hand." He said. "The fuck? you get turned on or something by me licking your hand? Weirdo." Aiden said lightly blushing. "I get turned on by everything you do..." He said looking at him. "Do your work." He blushed again, looking away. "Whatever you say!'' He said giving a cocky smile. He logged on to the website and looked for a tutor for a whole 15 minutes. "Found one!" Seth yelled out. "Bitch, we found like 10 already." The smaller boy said sarcastically. "Stop being so cocky." He slapped his shoulder and went back to putting in his information. "I'll get an email from her or something if she agrees to tutor me." He replied, logging out of the large computer.

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