A new Friend

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Bruno POV

It was the next day I rushed to eat breakfast wanting to finsh everything soon as possible.

Pepa, "Why are you rushing you are getting the food all over the place!"

A little cloud forms above her. "Sorry I have a lot of readings to do." Before my sister says another word I run out of Casita. I do all my readings which isn't a lot today. I quickly get out of the village smiling making sure no one follows me. "Hopefully I'm not to late" I walk into the forest and see a Toucan flying and I follow it and it stops and I see y/n and wave my hand. "Sorry if I'm late I had to do my chores!" I see y/n look at me with y/n beautiful e/c eyes 'I need stop being so weird I'm going embarrass myself.


I jump down the tree, "So Bruno let me show you around my friend!" I look into the forest smiling.

Bruno "Wait friend you really mean it! I mean you are so cool and I'm so" He looks down and was going finsh his sentence.

"Yeah you're my friend and when I say something there no takes back. That means you are stuck with me." Bruno smiles nervous and looks at you. "Enough talk let's go!" I grab him and carry him bride style. He freaks out and I jump onto a tree. He screams holding onto me really tight. "Scared of heights?" I smile look down at him.

Bruno, "V-verry much!" He was stuttering a lot having his eyes closed.

3rd POV

Bruno slowly opens his eyes still holding y/n tightly he looks around seeing the luscious jungle.
Bruno "Woah" he was in awe then he looks toward y/n seeing them smiling and laughing. He relaxs blushing slightly looking at y/n wonderful hair and then he looks at y/n eyes then y/n lips. He gets flustered realizing how close they were.

Y/N jumps down onto the ground and gently sets down Bruno. Y/N, "Here we are at my favorite place to hangout!" Bruno trying but failing very badly to get himself together. Bruno looking down messing with his ruana. Y/N looks at him confused "You are not even looking!" They pointed at the cave y/n wasn't very patient and grabs Bruno hand heading towards the cave y/n, "Let's go!"

((To the next chapter!))

El extraño sonido Bruno madrigal x reader Where stories live. Discover now