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Bruno POV

I quickly shut the door to my room my heart was beating like crazy. My rats look at me confused and I feel myself smile a bit. I shake my head confused and sat down next to my rats. "Maybe my heart is going so fast because I ran over here and that it?" I picked up my rat and pet the rat gently I sigh. "You know I'm glade to know that my familie isn't the only ones with gifts." The rat squeaked with joy.

Alma, "Bruno it's time for dinner!"

I gently lay the rat down, "Coming mamá!" I quickly leave my room to go eat dinner with my familia.


My Jaguar yawns being kind of sleepy and was resting up in the tree. "Hey guess what I made a friend!" The jaguar didn't care and wanted to nap. I huffed "Oh come on you don't wanna hear it?" The jaguar was thinking the 'friend' was another bird. I was about to continue but I hear someone enter the area. The jaguar perk up it head. "Come on!" I whispered yelled.

3rd POV

First man set his foot onto the jungle the other men was scared entering. Leader of the man got angry and look at his men.

Leader, "Idiota estas entrando?"
(Idiot are you coming in?)

The leader was mad at his men and from a far distance he sees the mountain

2nd men speaks "But boss we heard these are sacred lands! We will be in danger."

3rd men chimes in "Or worse be cursed for life!"

2nd men "Look even with our machetes the jungle is to impossible to enter." He sigh and looks at his boss "I'm not entering I believe these are sacred lands we are not going goodbye!" He throws his machete into the ground his 3rd men look at him and sigh.

3rd men "I'm sorry boss but I can't risk this I have kids to take care of." He also follows the 2nd men walking back home with his friend.

The leader glare at them "Fine go I don't care!" He goes into the jungle swinging his machete. "This isn't some sacred land it just a some stupid jungle." A bird flys into his face he tries to get the bird out of his face screaming the bird flys off. Then he sees some smoke from the distance "¡Nanay cucas!" He looks around now believing his friends.

(Meaning No way its a slang in colombia)

He runs off back to his home scared he turns back still seeing the smoke he runs back and goes back home apologizing to his friends and they never return to that part of the jungle again he warned the others it was sacred lands.


I laugh really hard smilling and stopping the smoke I made. I see that the sun is setting I get onto my Jaguar, "Let's go and gets some rest that was fun!" The jaguar runs make to its napping spot they both climb onto a tree and rest taking a nap

((Hope you like it and yeah there going be more interaction with Bruno and y/n in the next chapter))

El extraño sonido Bruno madrigal x reader Where stories live. Discover now