Inseperable {Sam x Reader}

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Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/n) and Sam were extremely close friends. Inseparable really. They had been that way since their time in the Air Force. The two of them, along with Riley had been fast friends, and chosen to test the Falcon experiment. They were each other's wingmen. And when they had lost Riley, Sam and (Y/n) felt like they only had each other. They left the Air Force, having no motivation, and went home. They kept in touch, frequently calling to check in on each other. (Y/n) lived with tremendous guilt, feeling as though it should have been her to be shot down. Sam felt the same sense of helplessness every time he thought of that night. They would help each other through the rough nights, the grief, the changes of coming home. Then Sam had an idea.

"Come to DC. Let's help other veterans with PTSD. I got hired by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and I got you the job if you're interested."

"Sam, you want me to just pick up and move to DC? To help you and other people? Absolutely."

(Y/n) made the move simple, and got an apartment near Sam's place. They had a routine. They'd go for a run in the morning, go home to clean up and eat, go to work, walk each other home. Sometimes they'd go out, go for walks, or stay with the other during the rough nights. Neither knew exactly when the feelings had started to bloom, but it never seemed like the right time to tell the other. Sometimes they didn't want to believe it. They'd get mistaken as a couple, and brush it off. They'd dance around their real feelings. So it ended up staying hidden. Why ruin such a strong friendship?

They thought they were done with the Falcon experiment until they met Steve Rogers. Soon they were not only using the wings again, but searching for a 100 year old amnesiac, working with Avengers, running from the government, and fighting aliens. During Thanos' first snap, only Sam had turned to dust. (Y/n) prayed and begged and screamed for her to fall apart too, she couldn't go through the loss of another friend, not one she had begun to admit her love for. They were supposed to be inseparable.

She found solace in no one. Not Steve, or Natasha, not a single survivor. No one had known him the way she'd known him. No one was there in the quiet nights with him, no one saw him scared or tired or angry like she had. No one had held her the way he had. No one had wiped her tears like he had. No one had ever backed her up like he had. She spent the next five years desperate and alone, and when there was a chance to bring them back, she would let nothing stop her. Not Loki making off with the tesseract, not loss, not aliens from the past coming for them. She has never been happier then when she heard that voice.

"On your left, Cap"

Joy filled her heart. She hardly heard Steve let out a war a cry. She had tunnel vision on him, ran at him, grabbed and held him like she would never let go again. "You fucking dumbass." She laughed, sniffling. He hugged her back briefly before pushing her back sensitively. "We have a fight to win." She nodded and together they went into the fray, fighting with same sense of teamwork they had years ago. Her intention was to tell him everything once this was all over, but then Tony snapped. Steve stayed in the forties, and handed the shield to Sam. She looked on with Bucky.

"Were and your boyfriend good friends to him?"

"...He's not my boyfriend."

"Have you told him that?"

"...Yes. And he was a good friend to us. If you'd let, we could be that for you too. You shouldn't be alone, Bucky."

He didn't respond, and turned to walk in his own direction. Sam soon joined her, adorning the iconic shield. "(Y/n), I..." he trailed off, unsure of what to say to her. He felt so much looking her. She seemed aged from exhaustion and loneliness, but she was still beautiful to him. He felt guilt, pride, fear. He felt like too much time had passed, yet none had for him. "Five years, Sam. It's been a long five years." She tugged him down so his face was level with hers. "I can't wait any longer. We're inseparable." She smashed her lips together with his, shock filling them both. Sam didn't let the opportunity go to waste, and passionately kissed her back. He'd missed five years with her, and he was sure as hell going to make up for them.

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