🌦⒌ Curiosity

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"You're doing great!" he said from his seat as he tried to hold in a laugh, looking at the struggling brunette lifting an axe.

—"Shut up!" Wilbur said as he swung his axe against the tree again, only leaving a small mark on the wood as he heard a tea kettle noise behind him, turning around to see Dream holding on his stomach as he laughed —"What's so funny!??"

—"You suck at this" the blonde said with a smile on his face, still trying to catch his breath he started coughing, but not enough to take Wilbur's attention.

He looked down at his hand when his coughing had died down, finding the color red liquid that he was very familiar with —"It's almost there! just give me a goddamn second-" He heard Wilbur's voice again, looking up to see a weak tree falling to the ground, cheering coming from the other male —"I told you so!"

He smiled again and whipped the blood off on one of his bandages, looking at the excited brunette. They had been outside for some time, Wilbur had insisted that Dream stayed near because he didn't want him to try to kill himself, which he would never admit he considered fair because he had tried to burn himself earlier when Wilbur wasn't looking.

It was peaceful here, and he knew that he didn't deserve such peacefulness after all he's done, but even so, he knew this would probably go away and end soon, it was too good to be true, a life away from wars and fighting, the only blood being poured was from his injuries instead of a blade going straight through his chest, or his own blade going through someome else's.

It was nice here.

—"Would you like to go and do archery with me my dear?" Wilbur said as he walked closer to the blonde, leaving his axe by the door.

—"You know how to aim a bow?" Dream mocked as he let Wilbur help him on his feet, day by day it was getting easier to simply stand up and walk, but Wilbur refused on letting him do it by himself yet.

—"Oh of course i can! I'm really good it actually" they walked to the side of the house, a little hill being located there, covered by a thick layer of snow.

—"You chose a really good location Wil" the blonde admitted as he took one of the bows that was rested against the wall and got a look from the taller —"What? i might be weak but i'm so much better than you at this"

—"Using a bow requires strenght" He took the bow away from him —"focus" he listed as he placed it back on it's place —"And aim" he finished as he let him sit on the floor, walking to stand next to one of the small improvised targets that was placed down the hill.

—"You're forgetting one part" Dream said, Wilbur turning to face him with a questioning look and his eyes widened when an arrow flew right by his head, feeling it rose his cheek in the process.
—"Be smart." the blonde said with a grin as he lowered the bow.

He stared at him, trying to look for the right words —"I-" he failed miserably —"how did you-?"

—"Bows don't only require strenght and aim" Dream said as Wilbur walked closer to him and sat by his side, his eyes locked on the blonde —"You have to understand directions, pulling a string might be essential, but feeling the moment is what complements it"
—"Even being the weakest i've ever been, i still shot you and didn't fail, the string has to be steady, even the weakest of hands could aim that arrow easily"

Like a Hostage • Dreambur || EnglishDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora