☁️⒉ Welcome home!

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He slowly opened his eyes, coming back to his senses with the feeling of something bouncing up and down under him. He assumed it was a horse, his half lidded eyes looking at his surroundings while still being laid on his stomach with his legs dangling off the animal's body, he could feel his cheeks radiate heat, consequence from the weather in his surroundings.
He stayed there for a few more minutes, not caring of where the horse was taking him or what was happening, his body still ached but was surprisingly warm considering the snow falling on his blonde hair.

That's when he remembered.

He slowly sat up, feeling something press against his back —"Wil?" he asked quietly, his throat sore from not talking and the cold weather, rubbing the sleep off his eyes. That's when he noticed that he was wearing a trench coat over his shoulders, this probably being the reason why he didn't feel too cold.

—"You're awake! i was worried you had died or some shit" The brunette said, his words not being enough to convince the blonde because of his tone, showing a careless neutral expression on his face when he looked back at him, his eyes going back to the path.

—"Where are we?" He asked once he didn't recognize the zone, it seemed like they were in a forest of a snow biome, but this couldn't be near Techno's and Phil's territory, he had mapped and memorized that land entirely and this? this place didn't even seem anywhere familiar to him.

—"i told you i would heal your wounds and take you home to rest" Wilbur responded simply, still holding the lead on the horse as they started to slow down.

—"Oh.. i- i thought you were going to bring me to the others-?" Dream said surprised, he had genuinely thought he would be taken to the warden and be tortured until he died —"And where is "home" exactly..?" he asked lastly, not having idea on what the taller had in mind.

—"I have this little place that i made back in the L'manburg days, it stayed untouched for quite a while but since you saved me i've been coming here to relax and pass the time, sure i do crash at Phil's when i'm too tired to do a 4 hour ride on horse but-"

—"Did you just say FOUR HOURS??" he asked amazed by the dedication this man had —"No wonder you would sleep at Phil's, i wouldn't go on my horse back and forth for 8 full hours in the daily, why not using a nether portal?" he said as he saw something in the distance, surrounded by trees was a little one floor cottage, most of it covered in plants that had grown over the passing of the time

—"I wanted this place to be fully away and distanced from everyone, i think it was worth it, it's really safe around here" he said as the horse stopped, getting off the animal as his feet got buried on the snow beneath him —"Come here, i don't want you to freeze to death" he said as he put his arms up to Dream's waist, in an attempt of helping him when he got off the horse.

—"I do" he said as he jumped off and almost fell to the snow when he touched the ground, his knees failing him and bending slightly over. However the brunette was still holding onto him, so it was easy to steady himself faster, grabbing on Wilbur's arms to not fall over.

—"You think you can walk on your own?" the brunette asked as he looked down at him, raising his eyebrows at the blonde's annoyed expression, letting go of him.

—"What do you think, smartass?" The blonde said with a sarcastic smile on his face, such gesture going away as fast as it appeared, looking at the path not fully sure if he could even take a step but not voicing it out, it was embarrassing enough to be in this state for him to ask Wilbur for help.
He could feel the bloody red eyes stare at him as he looked down, moving one of his legs slowly to take a step. He held back a groan when he felt the pain shoot through his body —"S- see? T- totally fine-" the other gave him a questioning look.

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