"Thanks.", Arthur sat and leaned back against the counter. "Sir, there is something else, actually.", Arthur whispered and the man raised an eyebrow, while he continued cleaning mugs with a thankfully clean piece of cloth.
"You see, my friend and I here need some shelter. I was told that there are some dangerous people out here."

The man stopped his movement and blinked. Merlin was quiet for once, silently sipping at his mead, as he listened to Arthur's comment.
"Yeah, there are.", the stranger narrowed his eyes.
"But they don't come here. This is a clean establishment. Now, sit down at a table. You're blocking my view of the door."

Arthur startled at the rough tone in the man's voice, but nodded, before he searched for a table for himself and Merlin.
From the corner of his eyes, he could see that the barkeeper was whispering something to a man in a black cape, who sat directly at the counter.
Whatever they were doing, they stopped, once they noticed Arthur's glance.
Great. They were in on it, too. Arthur should have known.

"That was stupid.", Merlin commented and Arthur frowned.
"And why was that stupid? There may be sorcerer's here, Merlin. We have to be careful. Also, I bet the guy over there is in on it. Both of them."

"I think you're wrong.", Merlin said calmly.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. The entire bar is in on it."

Arthur paled and let down his drink. "What? What makes you say that?"

"Look around. They're all staring at you and the knights. They're suspicious of New people and we are certainly too many new people.", Merlin said back.
"Great, and what do you suggest we do?"

"Not ask suspicious questions would be a start.", Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Then you do it, if you're such an expert."

Merlin raised an eyebrow.

"Actually, don't. You're a bad liar, Merlin. I don't want to provoke a fight."

Merlin laughed and took another sip. "First of all, don't be so stiff. If you're a sorcerer, you're powerful and you know it. "

"But I'm not-"

"I know. But they don't. You want to know what this organization is about? Ask them directly. Don't make them feel like they're a threat to you. You're welcome here, if you're one of them. So relax and drink.", Merlin looked oddly cozy, the way he sat there. As if this was the most normal thing in the world.

Arthur blinked, and then noticed that he was, indeed, pretty stiff in the back.
He forced himself to relax.
By then, Merlin had finished his first mug of mead and waved at the barkeeper for another.

"You're starting off strong, I see.", the barkeeper said, as he brought over the mug. Merlin send him a smile.
"Yeah, you know how it is. They burned another one this morning. I just felt like I could take a night off." Merlin's smile seemed bitter, almost. There was a kindness in it, laced with something sorrowful.

Well... there had been a pyre today. In Camelot. Under Uther's order.

The barkeeper's eyes softened. "Did you know 'em?"

"Do I need to?", Merlin shrugged and took another sip from his mug. Arthur blinked with fascination as he realized that Merlin was perfectly in tune with the situation. He was in a room full of people who could kill them all. Especially Merlin, since he didn't own a sword. But he acted like this was normal.

"I suppose not.", the man nodded and suddenly he seemed a lot less suspicious.

"I saw him work in town a bit. Never even talked to him.", Merlin's eyes went glassy, as he stared ahead.
Then he found Arthur's surprised gaze and turned to the barkeeper again.
"Oh, sorry. This is my friend. He's not used to these...", Merlin waved around.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now