The Nineth Voyage

Start from the beginning

"Sindria has a large number of textiles! Perhaps that is what they can give us." Kara chirped, before I slightly shook my head.

"We already have a workshop for such a thing, Kara. Old Anthony & Sons is the finest textile shop in the seven seas." I assured, as my sister let out a quick huff.

"Fine then. Lately, building supplies has been a rarer find! Sindria has plenty of supplies if I remember correctly." Kara corrected, as I shook my head.

"We aren't in need for such a thing anymore. The land that we have is packed to the brim. And we are preserving that forest. For father's sake and mine." I replied.

"What about beer then?" Kara questioned.

"We have an ale company. Besides, alcohol makes bad spouses as they say. It would be a miracle if the whole world stopped drinking such toxic substances." I spewed as my sister silently rolled her eyes, not in distaste, but in sheer determination to find what Feanel needs. "Am I wrong?"

"No, you would be right about it. Indulging in a sip of wine now and again wouldn't be so bad. After all, you do just that." She argued, smiling at me as I continued to tidy up the Church.

"Only on special occasions do I drink. Now! What else do you have to say?" I asked, as my sister started to spew things at random.

"Fish? Oh no, we do live near the ocean... Wood?! Oh dear, we do live next to the forest..." Kara was really struggling to find something Sindria could give us as trade. It was to the point that I had little faith that she would come up with something. Before I could sass her once more, she burst out, "Oranges! Sindria could give us oranges. The fruit is a very good source of vitamin C and can be used for all sorts of things. No one can hate oranges." She says, with a cheeky smirk plastered on her face.

"Kara..." I breathed, "You hate oranges."

"I like orange juice. Remember that one time, when orange juice was imported to Feanel, and we had it every day for a couple months. It was rather... pulpy. But that's the way I like it because I love... chewing my drink." Kara hissed under her breath, not expecting me to hear every word.

"So if I go to Sindria and make a couple of trade agreements like I used to before, then you won't bother me about this again? And if I bring back barrels of the pulpiest orange juice you have ever put in your mouth, you will drink every last drop, right?" Kara glared at me for a second, before saying:

"You're a masochist." My sister spat, before speaking again, "But yes... I would certainly drink pulpy orange juice. Pack your bags. You leave in the morning. Everything has been prepared, so in theory, you could set sail tonight."

"So eager to get rid of me, huh? And why didn't you tell me this sooner?! Now, I have to compose a treaty and trade agreement." I huffed, putting all my things away neatly. Kara sat idly on one of the benches, giving me a large, winning smile.

"You know that I love you dearly, but you and I both know that it is not good for you to stay cooped up in Feanel for as long as you have. All I want is for you to be happy, and I think that traveling is the best medicine for your condition. And for your second topic, you would have said no to my modest proposal, so I thought to take matters into my own hands." My sister explained, as I packed my things and wrote a note to Amelie, my disciple. In my note, I told her that I had urgent business and that she would have to look after the Church and fulfill my duties while I was away. Once written, I placed it in her bin and walked out of the Church with my sister.

"I think the real masochist around here is you. Just be lucky that I think that it is a fine idea to make some relations, however small, with Sindria and King Sinbad." I commented, wrapping my arm around her lovingly as she did the same, "However, you don't get to tell me what I can and cannot do, you hear? Since I am your diplomat, I get to do whatever I see fit to make such relations possible."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh, on that note! You are to discuss the with Sindria about trade and alliances only. We are not to join any war packs or anything of the sort. I heard that Sindria was the founder of the Seven Seas Alliance, so if you can, please do try to be respectful so we can look good upon these countries. Though, I only tell you this out of precaution. I know you will be fine without me there. It's just..." My sister halted her pace, before I looked back at her curiously. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes, as a large smile formed on her features, "It has been so long, since you have left this island... I just want you to feel happy. I know you haven't felt that way since father died, but I hope, with my push, you will find happiness." Giving her a hug, a smile was drawn on my features.

"How can I be sad when I have been given such a blessing? You are my blessing, Kara. I couldn't possibly be sad for a single second when you are in the room." The tears that pricked her eyes vanished, before she gave me another large smile. "So how long will I be staying in Sindria?"

"Only two months, unless there is something absolutely necessary that you return or stay." She explained, before we headed out of the Church and down the path lined with flowers and vines. We walked back to the castle together before we had to part ways for the day. After all, I had to pack my luggage to span me over two months. Placing some of my lighter dresses in a crate, I wondered if I should bring my heavier dresses and my simpler clothes. Placing whatever I thought was necessary, I assisted the sailors by bringing my luggage on the boat that was supposed to take me to Sindria in the early morning. After everything was loaded, I retired to my room before doing some basic paperwork. When it grew late, I fell asleep, awaiting my journey in the morning. I woke up at the crack of dawn, got dressed and packed the things I couldn't before. Hugging my sister, I walked toward the docks, with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. 'I wonder what Sindria is like...' I thought, before climbing on the ship. I was greeted by my past crew. Each one of them had a warm smile drawn on their features as if they had found something that they lost. Smiling toward them, I walked into my chambers and waited to set sail. 'The sea is as vast as I remember...'

Oranges; Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now