Esme bounced on her feet. "Maybe you just have muscle cramps," she said. "Or period cramps."

"The storm didn't start for four months. Did you think that would mean the sun wouldn't come back?" Cindy asked.

Imagining the sun and warmth brought a longing feeling. Seeing the bright days offered, even if they had been secluded in this bubble.

"It's like I'm connected to something or someone," Emma said, chewing her lip.

"Divina?" Esme asked with her head tilted.

That name hasn't been mentioned much anymore. The one who'd torture Ashley to the brink of death, enjoying every second. It brought a sick feeling to Cindy, remembering the stories.

"I don't know. It said that she had completely disappeared, but she might still be somewhere," Emma said.

Maybe Divina is the one who handles all this snow and illness? If that's possible, that thing could stop the virus and darkness. Is that how they finally break free from this nightmare?

"Someone is supposed to break in, right?" Esme inquired, putting on another layer of thick socks.

"Or someone develops them," Emma said, appearing conflicted.

"Do we just wait around until this snow melts?" Esme asked, but Emma shrugged her shoulders, playing with her coat sleeve. "Let's go kill Ashley, just like at the power plant!"

Cindy groaned and closed her eyes. It wasn't that she could exactly focus where she rested. Both of them bopped into a field of nothing but snow and darkness.

"Where is she?" Esme yelled over the harsh winds.

"I just guessed," Cindy said.

"We seem like hobos!" Esme exclaimed.

"You're the hobo," Cindy spat, trying to walk ahead of Esme.

"We should have brought the housewife along," Esme snickered.

"She's probably still numb from Eden," Cindy hissed. "I think she still thinks it's right to control people."

She didn't realize how furious it actually made her until she said it. Why did she feel this way? She felt her blood boil, clutching her hands together.

"She's acting like one of those girlfriends that checks her boyfriend's phone every five minutes," Esme said.

Cindy shaded an arm over her eyes, trying to see anything. Everything around was either darkness or thick snow. If this continues for at least a few more days, they will all be dead.

"Why don't we just go to Jason's location?" Esme asked.

"They're going to Sunny's campground. Ashley might be there, but I think they had other plans," Cindy stated.

"So, we're just going to walk around until we freeze?" Esme asked as Cindy narrowed her eyes, stopping in what had once been a corn field. "Because I want to beat up Luke again."

"Can't exactly beat him if he's a purple blob," Cindy implied.

"That becomes the fun part. I'm faster than he is, which means I could speed around without anything," Esme beamed.

Cindy stopped in the dark field, looking around. "Is the sky black or the bubble?" she asked.

"People have said both," Esme implied.

No hydro to shine some light except Jason and River. Right, that boy could help with actually seeing something.

"I'm going to grab someone," Cindy said before Esme retorted. She faced the boy, grabbed him, and landed back in the field.

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