Chapter 11 - Old Memories, New You

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A few days into Grian’s suspension he realised something slightly odd, no one else was really coming to visit him. Sure, they all checked on him through messages and calls but it was only Mumbo who made the conscious effort to come to visit him. It felt like every time Mumbo had enough free time he was over. Not that he was complaining, it definitely felt easier now he had gotten the whole “I think we’re soulmates” thing out of the way. But he also just, enjoyed having him near him. For the first time in a while, he didn’t feel quite as… Alone? Isolated? Hollow? It was hard to really pinpoint and Grian wasn’t much of a fan for talking about the past and what was but it had been a while since he had someone in his life who really got him and made him feel more complete.

He couldn’t complain with his current friends, but he used to yearn for his childhood best friend. She was incredible, but it hurt that she would just up and leave with no explanation. No goodbye, nothing to help him move on from her. But now there was Mumbo, so who cared for some old memories? He was happy with what he had now.

Said Mumbo was hiding a lot of guilt he felt, Grian had let him in, he had been honest with him and confirmed something crucial. So why couldn’t he? Surely Grian wouldn’t mind? Right? It was messy, how do you tell someone something like this? It weighed heavy on his heart. He needed to tell him. He had to. One way or another, it needed to.

It was getting towards the end of the week, Mumbo had plenty of time today, he could do this, he could tell him. He mustered up the nerve to knock on the door, then took a few deep breaths through the waiting.

When he was let in, Grian had asked for them to not sit in the living room today. He must have been bored of being stuck in the same place. Mumbo didn’t mind though, he’d sit wherever if it meant he could sit with Grian happily by his side.

“Comfortable?” Grian giggles, having watched Mumbo immediately settle down in his bed. A happy “mmhmm” was all he needed for the butterflies to return to him, waiting in the doorframe of his room as he asked whether or not Mumbo would like something to drink. Before leaving to get their drinks, he adds that Mumbo can look around his room and make himself at home.

They’d be there for quite a while so it made sense that Grian would want for him to feel happy and comfortable with his surroundings. Most of it was just average room items, but there were a few little trinkets and mementos that caught his eye. He was sure that every item with meaning was kept here, no matter how small, no matter to cost, if it had meaning Grian treasured it just the same.

One item, however, a small little polaroid... It made his heart heavy with a twinge of guilt and pain. Reluctantly, he felt himself pick up the image, looking at the two friends. Grian still cared about their friendship? It mattered to him. He could feel himself tear up as he looked at that image, knowing just the amount of pain he must of caused him to go through.

He ran his hand over the image, completely unaware of the footsteps coming back towards him. It wasn’t until he heard a quiet, “Oh. My old photo?” Grian offered a small laugh, something about it disingenuous as if remembering hurt him.

“Gri-” “You guys would of gotten on well.” Grian’s false laugh resurfaces as he places down their glasses and sits on the bed, glancing up at Mumbo.

“I-Uhm.” Mumbo felt himself put the photo down, but he couldn’t bring himself to turn and face the other. It was getting harder to say anything, breathing itself felt harder as his thoughts got louder and his stomach churned.

“Mumbo?” Grian cautiously approached him, not quite sure what would happen. Trying to get the words out, he faced Grian but nothing came out no matter how hard he tried. “Come sit down” Grian offered as he gently grabbed his wrist, leading him to the edge of the bed.

“Ok, we’re going to do some breathing together, alright?” Grian sat on the floor in front of him, keeping his eyes focused on Mumbo as he lowered his tone to a calm, low volume.

It took them a while but eventually, Mumbo felt better again, it was when they were hugging that Mumbo coughed clearing his throat to speak. Did he have any idea what he would say? No, but better to try at least.

“Gri. I need to tell you what’s up, really.” He gave an anxious laugh involuntarily as the two pulled back so they could focus. “I- I uhm, gosh this is hard.” He took a deep breath, putting his hands on his knees, turning to face Grian as he did so. “We used to know each other. I grew up with you…” He was skirting around it, trying to avoid saying anything that could upset the other.

“But we only met this year?” Grian titled his head, confused by what Mumbo meant. “Grian. I know that girl in the photo. I know because… I was her.”

Looking at the confused face he sighed and started again. “Grian I’m trans. I used to be your bestfriend. I was so frightened to tell you when I knew I was that I went to a different college, cut contact etc all to avoid hurting you but I know it has and I’m so sorry about that. I never meant to cause you any-”

He felt a finger against his lips. “You talk so fast.” Grian laughed at him. “Grian? You’re not…upset? mad? I lied to you…”

He was so confused by Grian’s response. He didn’t seem to care? People, always cared? What was happening? Then came the words that would stick with him.

“You’re back. That’s all I ever wanted.” He felt arms wrap tightly around him. “I know you’re worrying, but it’s ok. You did what you needed to. I’m just happy to have you back. I missed you.”

Grian would then go on to explain that he had been trying to get over it for the past year, but when Mumbo entered his life, things got easier, it felt better, he didn’t need to hang onto it anymore, he had all he needed in front of him. He was just happy to have his best friend back.

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