Chapter 4: Childhood Friends

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Third Person's P.O.V

Ever Since the end of the original Apex games, some legends kept in contact, some disappeared, for those who kept in contact even after, even after they got married and got their own kids they visited each other, meaning their children got to know each other.

They were childhood friends, even though each one is on a different planet from the outlands, they still do visit each other sometimes, and even when the kids grew up and each got a job or became busier in life, they Kept in contact.

Carlo decided to share his accomplishments to his old friends, by texting them in the group chat, and it happens Dae was Online.

Legends' Kids

"Yooo guess who is joining the Revived Apex gamesssss"
Annoying Egoistical idiot

"Shut up"

"God damn it Dae, will there be a day when you are not a jackass?"
Annoying Egoistical idiot

"if you weren't annoying to everybody, he wouldn't"
Eli Witt

"Hey Eli"

Eli Witt

"UGH Whatever, I'm joining the games, because My skills with guns matches my ma Anita"
Annoying Egoistical idiot

"That's hard to believe"
Hyper but Handleable

"C'mon Gabi! even you?!"
"whatever yall Jealous of my looks and skills"
Annoying Egoistical idiot

"Sure idiot"

Annoying Egoistical idiot

Dae Looked at the text and chuckled, before closing his phone and returning to his work, Carlo and Dae always were like this, Carlo brags about himself, Dae casually put him down with words, which effectively works since Carlo gets mad at him every time, meanwhile the rest just watches the two argue, Dae dislikes Carlo's egoistical personality, sure they are childhood friends but neither of them like each other very much, Dae would rather talking to anyone in the group other than Carlo.

Dae was sketching a new design for a device that was requested by his shitty boss, having no choice but do what he was asked for, half-way through he got a message.

"Hey Dae"
Eli Witt

It was a message from Eli, the son of Elliot and Renee Witt, who Dae would call Uncle Elliot and Aunt Renee for respect, out of all the group, Carlo, Gabriella and Rachel, Dae gets along well with Eli, and surprisingly, Eli does too, he is usually silent and doesn't like to talk, but Dae is the only one who would talk freely to, the two were closer friends than they are with the others. Dae grabbed his phone and began typing...

"Hey Eli, what's up?"

Dae sent before going back to sketching and writing notes in the side so he can remember them later when he begins working on making it, he stopped when he heard another notification.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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