Chapter 3: Deadly Beauty

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Third Person's P.O.V


Two empty bullets of the P2020 dropped on ground, while the bullets themselves where shot on drone targets, breaking them down, "Your aiming got better, I'm impressed, Carlo" Anita Williams, former Legend Bangalore said to a blonde haired Man, he chuckled and reloaded, "All Thanks to you Ma." He said smiling, "That's it for today, return the guns and meet me outside" She said as she exited the room, Carlo nodded and began returning the guns he used today to where they were, then followed her.

"Hey, Um Ma?" Carlo called as he got closer to her, "yes?" she asked as she poured herself some beer, "well...ya know...since you and Ma Loba agreed to revive the Apex games, and you have been training me for years, Um..can I join?" He asked as he scratched his head and looked away, Anita drank the shot she poured for herself and sighed, "I knew you'd ask about it" she said, "Well, I just think it's the perfect chance for me, I have been training on guns for years Ma, but what use of it if I don't use it?" he asked, ever since he turned 20, Anita has trained him on all sorts of guns, from the P2020 to the Longbow, he knows how to use each one of them, yet there is no usage if he won't use it right? after all, he doesn't plan on joining any forces, he said it would 'ruin his handsome face'.

"Carlo, are you sure you really want to join the games? it isn't a joke Carlo, you need to take it seriously" she told him, Carlo scoffed, "Ma, I will probably the most experienced one to join the games, It will be just fine" he said as he brushed his hand through his hair with a confident smirk, "Hm..." Anita looked at her empty glass and sighed, "You can join-" She was cut off, "Yes! Thanks M-"

"Only if you passed tomorrow's test" she continued, Carlo looked at her and dropped his smile, he groaned, "Why Ma-" he asked frowning, "to make sure you are ready for the Games" She smiled as she patted his shoulder and left the room, leaving Carlo alone, He groaned again, "Well, Nothing I can't do" he shrugged before following her.






Both of them arrived at their house, they were greeted by the younger adopted children of Anita's and Loba's, meanwhile Loba was talking to one of the older children, "Hey Ma" Carlo greeted her, "Ah, Carlo, Sweetie, how was your training?" she asked, "it was good" he said before looking at Jin, only a year younger than him, "Hey Sis" he smiled at her, "Hey Carlo" she replied, Jin was only one of the 9 siblings Carlo had, ever since Anita and Loba got married, they decided to adopt children, mostly because Loba knows how it feels to be an Orphan.

"I want to join the games you guys will revive but Ma Anita wants to test me first" Carlo said pouting as he sat down besides Loba, She chuckled and curled a string of her hair around her finger, "Sounds like the Lieutenant Williams" she joked, Anita chuckled in responds, "Wait, you are okay with me joining?" Carlo asked Loba, she nodded, "yeah, you are trained, you won't die thanks to high Tech, I don't think it's a bad idea" Loba shrugged, Carlo looked at Anita, "See? Ma Loba understands me" He said laughing a bit, "Sure Sure" Anita rolled her eyes at his statement.





(Next Day)

Carlo was sleeping on his bed, snoring and dreaming of having a good relationship with another he loves, sadly it was cut by his phone ringing loudly, he groaned and covered his head with his pillow, not wanting to get out of bed yet, his phone stopped ringing, he had a sigh of relief and got ready to fall back asleep, only for his phone to ring again 3 seconds after, he groaned again and sat up, he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone.

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