De:I can't magically locate her you know ?

St:I'm aware thanks . I said sternly , use your smell or some shit werewolf are good at . smell ? No...I , can't do that . I can use my sight , my ears but the smell is out of the deal , he responded with no hints of joke in his voice

St:Why...? What's wrong with your nose ? I asked worried for now both Allison and him

De:Just caught a cold , you know , winter's coming-

St:Cut the bullshit . Oh come on ! Don't look at me like that Derek , I know that I'm not the most brilliant person but seriously . A werewolf catching a cold . Is that supposed to be a really bad joke ?



I was training when my phone rang ,I go to pick it up and look at the contact  to see who's calling me and saw that it's Stiles ! What does he want ? I finally feel better , I swear that if he does anything stupid and bring me back to that stage of...yeah , yeah Derek we all know what you're talking about no need for a drawing . Shut up ! Geez , calm down ! And-What ! I think you should respond before it stops ringing . Oh shit ! I quickly pick up and bring the phone to my ear . You're welcome~~~

De:What do you want Stiles , I'm busy .

St:Yeah I know , but-he started , he panting ? What the hell did he do this time ! And the worst part ? I can't help but get worried for him .

De:Why are you out of breath ? Did you run ? Why were you running ? Is someone chasing you !? Is it Scott ?!

St:Geez ! Calm down sourwolf , I'm not chased by anyone or anything . It's just that...I kinda made Allison upset , and , she ran off . I can't find her anywhere and my dad will destroy me if I miss any classes . I can't left Allison alone tho...he whispered the last part

I can hear that he's conflicted and even tho I find it really unfair that Allison get so much place in my mate's heart I can't leave him worried like that all day...did you just call Stiles " my mate " ? Yes , I did . So you finally stopped denying it ! No...I know that's never going to happen between us seeing what he thinks about the role of a Luna , so I have no reason of being scared of what could happen if I accept it . I......yeah , you should also start to get this into your head .

De:So you want me to what ? Look for her while you go to class ?-

St:Not exactly...

De:Then what ?

St:I still got some time on my lunch break so we can look around together .

De:Together... I repeated

I have nothing against that , I'll have a chance to see him , the only problem is that I can't get near him at the point of smelling him or I'll go crazy .

St:Uhmmm...yeah , why not ? He asked obviously cluless about the whole situation

De:Oh...nothing . I tried to sound as calm as possible so he wouldn't suspect anything

St:Ok well , I sent you my location , I'll be waiting until you come .

De:See you later...

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