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You felt so bad for your friend Jungkook and his family. You knew how good natured he was and how he could never do all the things they've been accusing him of. Sure he likes to joke around and all but you just couldn't see how, of all the people they're pinning, Jungkook would make the perfect candidate for whatever crime they're holding. You were grateful for his family for looking after you and your brother so in return, you stayed and served as emotional support for them to lean on.

Jungkook's mother spent countless sleepless nights crying and you could hear it from the other side of the wall. Your heart ached for her so bad. She is such a good mother figure for you and Sejin that you would do whatever you can just to help her out but you didn't know how. No lawyer wanted to take Jungkook's case and you didn't know or understand why when he's just a regular citizen that deserves the right to defend himself in court. You helped his mom walk his case in every law firm out there only to be denied until one day, his mom happily tells you that a firm had finally taken the case.

"Y/N, do you think they'd let us in?"

"Yeah I mean, I don't see why auntie. What time did you set the appointment?" Jungkook's mom was caught off guard with the question.

"I have to book appointments?" Your eyes grew, knowing there's no way they'd let you both in.

"You didn't set one?" she shook her head.

"No, I thought it's okay to just give the lawyers a token of appreciation for helping my boy"

You sighed and reassured her, "Don't worry, we'll find a way"

Fate is a funny thing. The firm that agreed to represent Jungkook is none other than Kim & Law – the firm where your ex works at. If only you could back out and leave Jungkook's mom on her own but of course, you didn't have the heart to do that so you sucked it up like a champ and pretended you didn't know anything about the firm. Playing dumb could come in handy sometimes.

"Hello, ma'am. We're here to see Atty. Kim Taehyung," Jungkook's mom greets the lady at the concierge.

"Your surname and time you booked please," she boredly asks.

"Jeon, uhm, I didn't book any appointments. I'm so sorry"

The lady looked displeased at her and shook her head, "Sorry, no appointments can't go up"

Jungkook's mom looked like she was on the verge of crying. She worked so hard preparing the meal as a thank you for helping her son and the firm just pushes her away like that. You came forward and took matters into your own hands through gritted teeth.

"Please tell Atty. Kim that Song Y/N wants to see him"

The lady just raises her eyebrows at you, "Didn't you hear? No appointment can–"

"Just. fucking. Say. I came. To see him"

She quivers in fear and picks up the phone in a rush. You waited for a few minutes until an assistant came down to get the two of you when Taehyung gave the go signal to go up to his office. 'Holy fucking shit all these trouble just to get Jungkook's ass out of jail' you mentally complained.

"I hope they like the food," Jungkook's mom nervously says.

"Mmm, I'm sure they will. You always make good food, auntie," you reassured her, hoping you could reassure yourself too of what's about to happen next.

The assistant knocked on Taehyung's door until they heard him say to let them in, "Atty. Kim, these are Jeon Jungkook's family. They came to see you"

Taehyung's eyes were glued on you, trying to find the words to say, "I– uh please have a seat"

You avoided his gaze as hard as you could, trying to look around his office. You noticed how he had a graduation picture of him and his friends and a picture of him and his brothers behind him. Beside the two frames was a deteriorating, almost faded, photo of a woman you assumed could be his mom or his aunt. You weren't too sure.

"Atty. Kim, thank you so much for accepting my son's case. You don't know how hard I prayed for this day to come," Taehyung smiles warmly at her.

"It's a lawyer's job to defend until they're proven guilty ma'am but I'll do my best"

"Please, take this. I hope you like this. I made a big batch so you can share it with the others as well," she happily hands the dish to him to which he gratefully accepts, "It isn't much because that's all I could afford to give, I'm so sorry, attorney."

"Thank you so much for the meal, you didn't have to. Really."

Her smile radiated the warmth of a mother's love, "Thank you for helping my son out. He's not really what they paint him to be. Oh, that boy. He always tried to find other ways to make things easier for the people around him"

You knew how thanking each other would go on for hours – Jungkook's mom is very motherly and would insist on taking good care of people even when they declined and Taehyung could never say a simple yes or a no when he gets flustered.

"Please, Atty. Kim, we insist. My auntie worked hard preparing that for you and your team. Take it as our gratitude for helping Jungkook out," your hands were cold when your eyes met with one another, "Don't know if you like kimchi jiggae but we hope you enjoy it"

He clears his throat and turned his head to smile at Jungkook's mom, "Of course, thank you so much ma'am"

A knock on the door cut them off when Taehyung's assistant peeks her head in, "Sir, you have another meeting with the bosses in 3 minutes"

He nods, "Alright. Be out in a bit"

"Oh! Sorry to bother you today, attorney. We better get going right, Y/N"

"Uhm yeah, my work starts soon too," the both of you stood up and bowed at Taehyung, "Thank you for giving time, Atty. Kim," you say.

He stands up and bows as well, "No worries. Pleasure is all mine"

As you were about to walk out of his office, he calls you out one last time, not knowing if this will be one of many encounters or probably the last time he'll be seeing you, "It was nice seeing you again, Y/N"

You gave him a small smile, wanting to get out as soon as possible, "You too, Atty. Kim"

Jungkook's mom came out of the firm with a huge smile on her face and a breath of relief. She's growing hopeful that her son might have the chance to get out and prove his innocence. She was so happy she couldn't help but talk about today's visit.

"Oh Y/N, we were so lucky today don't you think? Say, do you know that Atty. Kim?"

You tried to mask your expression and faked a smile, "Ah no no! I don't remember seeing him ever"

She pouts and seems to be thinking about the staff's sudden good treatment, "That's odd. I wonder why they let us in when you said your name"

"It's called confidence, auntie. Even if they didn't know me, I just have to act like I have backing even when I don't." you both laughed and agreed since whatever it is that you did today worked.

Case 002: Attorney Kim (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now