"Sky!" James yelled once he saw me entering the kitchen.

I took a step back; hesitant.

They were here.

I knew it all along.

"There all here, aren't they?" I questioned my eldest brothers.

"Yes" Shane huffed, looking displeased at some of the other people in the room with us.

"What are they doing here, then? I thought they weren't allowed here after last time" I yelled.

My eldest brother, Shane, had a best friend, who was basically family to all of us as he was always around us growing up.

He was one of the first people to hold me that wasn't close family or extended family.

We had bonded at first sight.

He also had younger brothers, who also became best friends with some of my older brothers.

But they were cousins with a certain somebody that had hurt me, alongside my family members due to what she had said to me.

That certain somebody would be Ella Thompsons, best friends with the grades bully, Mia Hill.

The two of us used to be best friends, growing up, as she was always over with the Martinez's.

But when Mia had asked her to sit with her group, and not me, we started to split off from eachother.

Whenever she came over, we never talked.

But she was always floundering herself on my older brothers, which disgusted me.

It didn't stop there though.

One day, in third grade, she called me a 'disgusting, attention-seeking brat that only wanted attention from everyone because I didn't get any at home' which wasn't true.

So, then the rumours started for an entire year, until 6 months ago, when the Martinez's sided with Ella, without even hearing my side of the story.

"No, Nope. Just no" I shook my head in disagreement towards the people in the room.

"Come on guys, give us a chance" Thomas – Shane's best friend – tried to persuade us.

"You didn't give me a chance when I tried to explain to you that Ella was nothing but a backstabbing bitch" I started.

"We didn't know" Benjamin started.

"But you could have known. You could have asked, and I would've told you, but it doesn't matter anymore. I've moved on and so should you" I finished.

"Sky" someone then crashed into my front, shocking me.

It was Oliver.

We used to be best friends as well.

It used to be Oliver, Me, and Ella. The three musketeers.

But he followed Ella's footsteps when he chose the popular people over me. He moved on from me just a day after Ella had moved on from the two of us.

I couldn't resist him, as I hugged back.

"I missed you so fucking much, that it hurt so fucking much" Oliver whispered.

"You hurt me when you left me for Ella" I pushed him off me. "Please forgive me. Forgive us" Oliver pleaded, reaching his arms towards me, but I stepped back from his reach. 

"I don't know. I thought that the 3 of us were supposed to be forever, but it didn't work out, so you should move on from me, because I'm not 'cool enough" and with that, I turned my back on them.

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