Back to Lucella

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After the group had gotten off the ferry, they started for Lucella mall straight away. The most determined to get to the mall was Blue, who wanted to see his sister. As they went through the suburban town, they saw a tall building come into view. It was well built, and very modern, and inside, people bustled around, in and out of the doorway.

Blue and Kona stared at it for a bit. The large sign, that had been there, even on the first day Robby had started working at the mall, read: "Welcome to Lucella mall!"

"Well, folks." Mousy said nervously, "here we are."

Neither Robby or Mousy knew what to do next. Do they just barge in? Do they request alone time with Mr Vernadoz? Do they enter with Kona and Blue or without? Luckily, they didn't have to think about their entrance for long, since their companions had already started storming off towards the mall.

Robby and Mousy ran to catch up with them, but before they could say anything, Kona and Blue had walked right into the mall. Kona went up to Robert.

"Wheres James Vernadoz?" Kona stuck his face near Robbys Brother's. Robert started to quiver. Robert, as usual, whenever someone got rude and naggy with him, started to have a break down. Robby spotted Roberta out of the corner of his eye, above him, patrolling the second floor. She didn't know what was going on, so Robby decided to come to the rescue. He looked away from Roberta, and back at Robert and Kona, to see Kona holding Robert by his collar, shaking him.

"Kona!" Robby yelled, rushing over to his brothers side. He grabbed onto Robert and yanked him from Konas grip. Kona let go easily, and Robert ran to cower behind Robby.

"Leave him alone, he's innocent." Robby scolded the grown man.

"I'm sorry- I guess I got a bit overboard. I'm just so angry!" Kona apologised.

Robby thought to himself. If  Kona was like this asking for directions from a stranger, what would he act like if he knew the boy he had harassed was a Robot working at the mall? Would he have been even more angry, to the point where Robert could have been in actual danger? Was this safe for his siblings? Robby decided to break the news to Kona.

Grabbing onto Robert, he said as calmly as he could to Kona, "This is Robert, my younger brother.



Kona was suprisingly calm about it. At first, you could see in his eyes faintly, his apology being taken back. But then Robby reminded him that the robots were not the ones causing the problems, and that they had done nothing wrong. Robby could feel Robert loosening his grip a little, and looking over his shoulder. Kona must have seen the fear in Roberts eyes, and realised that he had scared the young teen. Kona tried again.

"I really am sorry for jumping at you like that, Robert. I'm Kona. And I need directions to James Vernadoz. I have some business him and I need to attend to."

Double Robby (part 2 of Robots of Lucella mall, piggy roblox story), IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now