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Robby spun around, bewildered. But a kind face met his. The face was of a klipspringer, slightly shorter than Robby. His eyes were dark green, and his fur white and dark brown.

"Uh, yes. Me and my friend were looking for someone named Kona," Robby stammered.

"Oh, that would be me!" The klipspringer smiled. "Come on in."

Inside, it was pretty cozy. They sat on a couch, and they got to business.

"So, what would you two like to talk about?" Kona asked.

"Uh, we come from a town named Lucella, have you heard of it?" Robby replied.

"Oh, yes! I haven't been there, but my dear friend Mimi is from there. Oh, and that old droid terminating dog, but..."

"Pardon?" Robby asked

"Oh, my old friend, James Vernadoz. He terminated my robot."

"Oh." Robby shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Thats why we are here." Robby blurted out.


"James' wife, Emma Vernadoz. She told us about you, and, we wanted to learn more." Mousy helped.

"Oh?" Kona seemed suspicious.

"I- uh- its hard to explain..." Mousy awkwardly said.

The two looked at eachother. Mousy nudged at Robby.

"Oh gosh. Ok, uh- so. James used Rosa and Robbys blueprints to create the security robots. They work at Lucella mall. Rosa has a chainsaw arm too, and"-

"I BEG YOUR PARDON?!" Kona roared.

He looked at the two teenagers. "How did you learn this?!" Kona asked, shocked.

Robby gained a bit of confidence. "I'm one of the robots, and I'm based off of Robby, in fact- my name is Robby. Mr Vernadoz is always so tough on me and the other robots, so I snuck into his office and stole the blueprints, to see if there was anything I could find out about why on them. I found not only Rosas blueprints missing, but mine had words scribbled on it, and your name on the back of it."

Kona was shocked. "Oh my..."

"Emma told us about you and everything else. We wanted to learn more, but also inform you, if you didn't know, which you didn't." Robby finished.

Kona was silent for a bit. Then he called for someone.

"Robby! Can you come here? We have guests."

A robot walked in. He looked just like Robby, but his hair was fluffier, he seemed better built, and shone much better, he was taller, and his eyes were glowing a bright blue.

"Robby," Kona started, looking at the one with blue eyes, "I want you to meet your copy."

I gotta stop leaving each chapter on a cliffhanger omg

Double Robby (part 2 of Robots of Lucella mall, piggy roblox story), IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now