The fight

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Mr Vernadoz opened the doors of the mall.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He said, greeting the guests. The end of the year was almost there, and people were on holiday. Robby, as well as the other robots smiled and waved at the customers, before starting to walk around their given section at the mall.

Today, Robby walked around on the third floor, and all seemed pretty normal until, someone he had never seen walked up to him.

She was a rabbit, with grey and black spotty fur, and her ears were in a plastic band, like a ponytail.

"Hey, robot." She called.

She put her fists up, as in a fighting stance.

"Fight me."

"Pardon? Why?" Robby asked.

"Aunt never agrees to getting me a training bot."

"A what?"

"A training bot! A robot you fight to get stronger! Anyways, I've given up nagging her. I'll just use someone here!"

"Wait- so is a training bot Like- a punching bag?"

"Yeah. But better. Well, now we agree that its of utter importance, lets begin." The rabbit said, with crazy in her eyes.

Before Robby could protest, she had punched him in the face, and he fell down, surprised at her strength. But all she did was punch. Robby was pinned down under her, and she just punched him repeatedly. 5 minutes of this routine,  and Robby had enough. He kicked the rabbit from underneath him, and stood up. The rabbit looked, at him, bewildered.

"I could go on and on about how much of an idiotic thing you just did. People tend to say we are passive, and tolerant robots. People forget we are security and assistance robots, and we are highly trained for getting rid of unwanted guests. I suggest you leave. And don't think of picking any more fights. There will always be a robot with a chainsaw arm to stop you..." Robby declared.

The girl stood up, embarrassed. She walked to the exit. Robby shook his head, and continued on.

Double Robby (part 2 of Robots of Lucella mall, piggy roblox story), IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now