The ferry ride

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Never mind the other questions we wanted answers to, thought Robby. Kona and Blue are coming to the mall! We can get everything sorted there! The four animals/robots were on the ferry, leading from Doveport to Lucella. They were going to the mall, so Kona and Blue could see Rosa, and maybe, take her home with them. It was all up to Rosa. Suddenly, Robby felt something push in his backpack. He took it off and unzipped it, where he was greeted with two familiar amber eyes.

"Albert!" Robby hissed.

Mousy turned to him. "You really miss him that much?" She looked at him strangely.

"No- Albert, he's here!" He showed her the backpack, she gasped, and Kona and Blue walked up to them.

"What happened?" Kona asked. He looked over Mousys shoulder, and into the bag. He looked at Robby.

"Robby! You aren't allowed any pets on the ferry!" Konas eyes opened wide.

"He's not a pet! He's technically our son"- Mousy started.

"You two have a son?" Blue asked, "aren't you teenagers? And- you have birth to that?"

Mousy and Robbys cheeks turned a bit pink/purple.

"He's not really our son. And we aren't dating. We adopted him." Robby explained.

"Oh. Sure." Kona raised his eyebrows.

Robby and Mousy ignored him, and turned back to Albert.

"Albert, we told you to stay home!" Mousy hissed at the bag.

The two spoke in hushed tones to Albert, in the backpack, until a security guard strolled up to them.

"What are you doing?" The security guard asked. He looked into the bag. He saw Albert.

"You two kids shouldn't bring your pets onto the ferry! Where are your parents?"

Mousy huffed. "We are here without parents. And we don't need them to guide us across. And he's not a pet."

"Yeah, its their adopted son!" Kona said mockingly, over his shoulder.

"Ok, you two shouldn't be here. I'm going to call your parents, and they will have to pick you up from the next stop." The security guard said.

Before he could ask their phone numbers, Alberts head came up from the bag. He opened his mouth wide, and plunged at the guard.

Albert gave a burp that made all four stunned traveler's hair fly back.

"He just- did he just"- Blue tried to make sense of the situation.

"Oh, that guard will be fine. Probably." Mousy shooed the awkward situation away, and changed the subject. "I think I can see Lucella!"

Double Robby (part 2 of Robots of Lucella mall, piggy roblox story), IN PROGRESSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat