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He hates her. And she hates him as well.

She want to kill him and he wants the same.

They always fought and try to kill each other but in the end no one won. They're both skilled and good at fighting so killing is not a good option.

Seeing his emotionless face, whatever he do really irritates her but at the same time his really attractive. It annoys her knowing she's attracted to him. Whatever he do looks perfect in her eyes. But it's not the other way around. Seeing her face annoys him real good. He doesn't want to be near or to be close to her. He doesn't like her presence so it's better to stay away.

He's a badass business man and a famous badass racer. She's a Top genius student in her school and known as the fallen angel because of her unique innocent beauty. And most of all they're a married couple.

People see them as a perfect couple. Everyone adored the two who's perfect for each other and good at everything. Little did they know what this two we're doing with their own lives in their house when people are not around.

Broken vases. Broken walls. Broken table. All the things in the big house is broken because of this two who look perfect in other peoples eyes but they're like vampires whom thirst for each others blood.

"Your slow" She said with a smirk.

"And Your weak"

"Really? Your bleeding"

"And your not?"

"It's ketchup. You throw me into the kitchen. That was a nice throw I feel like flying. I wanna try it again" She said with a thick sarcasm.

"You're so annoying"

"Your a Dick"

"You have a dirty mouth woman" He glared.

"Really? Might kiss it clean then?" She smirk.

His lips tinned and couldn't say anything.

The woman laugh hard not minding the pain she felt after the fight they did. They're house is in a big mess like there we're a tornado.

This is not new to them coz this always happens. It's either one of them get killed.

A war Between a Husband and Wife.

A/N : My story isn't perfect I know that. But If you have something to say about my story you can message me at my Fb account. Thank you Have Fun reading Everyone 👀🙇‍♂

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