Chapter 34. The Assassin From Blood Mist Village

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"The tracker used senbon throwing needles," Sasuke pointed out.

"Exactly. Thinking over every detail, the truth is Zabuza is still alive."

Sakura and Naruto gasped.

"What're you talking about? You demolished that assassin," Tazuna roared, his arms crossed over his chest.

"You even checked him yourself," Sakura mentioned.

"The weapons that ninja used were called senbon and while the assassin's heart did stop, it was temporary to simulate death. Trackers are trained to know every detail of the human body. Causing the heart to stop while keeping the body alive is an easy matter for them. We'll need to prepare quickly. There's no doubt in my mind that they'll attack again," Kakashi explained.

"Sensei, you can barely move," I worriedly expressed.

"That doesn't mean I can't still train you four," he chuckled.

"Do you really think a little last minute training will be enough to defeat Zabuza? You fought him and were barely able to win even with your Sharingan," Sakura pestered.

"Why was I able to take on Zabuza before?" Kakashi asked, glancing into each of our faces.

I smiled. "Teamwork. Our first lesson."

"Exactly. You all helped me. The four of you have grown."

"So you noticed, Sensei! Thing's are going to get a lot better, believe it!" Naruto stood, his fist raised in the air triumphantly.

"I don't believe it. Nothing good is going to come from this!" said a small voice from behind us.

We turned to see a young boy running up to Tazuna, wrapping his arms around which ever part of the builder he could reach.

"Inari, where've you been?" the old man asked, patting him on the head.

The boy's mother gave him a stern glare.

"That was rude, Inari. These ninja brought your grandfather here safely!"

"Mom, don't you see these people are going to die? Gato and his men will come back and wipe  them all out!" the kid whined.

"What did you say, brat? Do you know what a super ninja is? That's me, okay? I'm going to be Hokage and this Gato guy is no match for a real hero like me," Naruto pointed at himself with his thumb.

"There's no such thing as a hero. If you want to stay alive, you should go back to where you came from," the kid growled, before leaving the room.

The kid's mother called after him with no success. Tazuna sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry about that."

Naruto scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping out of the room in irritation.

"It's alright. No harm done. He just seemed upset and worried," Kakashi waved it away.

"I'll start on dinner then," the bridge builder's daughter stuttered.

"Please, let me help," Sakura said, rising to her feet.

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