Karma for the Hunted

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To put it mildly, today was not a good day. I walked into school this morning, expecting to chat and walk to class with my boyfriend. Instead, I found Jacob with the last person he should've been with, Audrey.

My parents got divorced a few months ago because Dad took money from the family restaurant without telling Mom. At least, that's what I was told. Later, Mom suspected Dad was with another woman, but had no proof. Little does she know, she was right. On my way out of school yesterday, I saw Dad hanging around with, of all people, Audrey's mother.

Shortly after the divorce, Dad and my big brother, Kanniese, had an argument. Kanniese had announced to the family he was going to be vegetarian and Dad was against it. With his moral dilemma, my brother began distancing himself from Dad's side of the family and everyone who still spoke to him, including me. Now he doesn't speak to me and acts like I never existed.

After the divorce, Jacob was the only constant in my life, the only wall shielding me from the demons that lurk in my mind. At this point, Audrey has ruined my family, taken away my brother, and now has taken my boyfriend.

I walked up to them, wanting to say something. "A-Audrey-"

"What do you want, Ria?" She responded, lifting her chin. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I... c-can you get away from him please?" I managed to stammer out. "H-he's..."

"Why? Does Jacob belong to you? Is he your cute little puppy?" She said mockingly.

"B-but..." As I looked to Jacob for help, he smirked.

Suddenly, he pushed me against the wall. "What? Say it, you little mouse."

Audrey burst out laughing at my shocked silence. "Yeah, I thought not. Now go away. Shoo to your little hidey hole or whatever." My eyes filled with tears, I ran off.

The rest of the day drifted by in a haze. All I could see was that traitor with his arms wrapped around her. He was supposed to protect me. He was supposed to be the one who knew me. He promised. I believed him. He lied, and broke me. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's the partner in crime of the person who ruined my life.

I arrived home to the usual silence. Mom works until late, Dad found another place to live on the other side of town, and Kanniese is in college. Glancing in the kitchen, I saw a box on the table. Walking over, I read the note on it; "Happy birthday, Ria! Sorry that I can't be home to celebrate, but you know how busy it gets and how much we need the money right now. Hope you like the gift I got you. Maybe we can have a little party this weekend? Oh, and invite Jacob as well! I love you!" I threw the note in the trash. I don't want to think about him... Grabbing the box, I went up the stairs to my room, dropped my bag on my desk, and flopped onto the bed. Let's see what she got me, I thought as I opened it. A new tablet, complete with a stylus. I smiled. At least Mom still cares.

I set the tablet aside to charge. Settling down in bed, my mind wandered to what happened today. Jacob... I shook my head, scolding myself. He's just a toxic rotten sea louse. Forget him. Taking a deep breath, I reached for Arty, my deer stuffed animal, holding it in my arms. It's all I had left of Dad now. I miss when we played around as a family. As tears dripped down my face, I felt something was missing. Suddenly, I knew. I rummaged around the bottom drawer of my nightstand, searching for it. As I took out the music box and cranked the lever on the side, nostalgic music filled the air, bringing me back to the past. Crawling back in bed, I wiped away my tears, set Arty beside me, and turned to the tablet, ready to draw.

I started simple, drawing Arty in the middle of a meadow. Struck by a thought, I sketched a young girl beside it. Arty was named after Artemis, Greek goddess of the moon and hunt. Dad gave it to me when I was little, promising that it'll protect me. Creating a world I'd only imagined, I started transforming the young girl to the way I've always pictured the goddess, an alternate version of me. As I drew in a soft breeze blowing through the grass, I felt a breath of wind ruffle my hair. My pen flew, adding hunting dogs beside her, and trees and other details in the background. I drew my soul into her being, seeing the world through her eyes. Taking a deep breath, I crawled on top of Arty, and we rode. The dogs ran by our side, knowing this wasn't just some leisurely stroll. The true hunt will begin soon.

Through the trees, past many forests, we rode on. As we crested at the top of a hill, I smiled, forgetting about today's events. This is how it's supposed to be. Riding on and on. It's where we belong. Suddenly, the dogs started barking. Had they found a scent? I nodded to them, letting them go ahead.

They sped onward, following their noses towards their prey. Trailing behind, I glimpsed a large shadow moving among the trees. I squinted through the dusk. Or was it two? Branching off the path to corner them, I grinned, knowing my pups would be satisfied with today's meal.

As two silhouettes dashed out of the woods, the dogs fast on their heels, I reached for my bow. I nocked an arrow and began to aim, but lowered it as I saw something horrifying. It was Audrey and Jacob running for their lives. Too far away to do anything, I watched as the savage beasts descended upon their poor souls, like Cerberus bringing down the wrath of Hades. They didn't do anything, I thought, terrified. But the wild hounds were determined to avenge my honor.

I awoke in a flash. The sound of the music box winding down was being drowned out by the noise of Mom coming home. Staring at my new tablet in shock, I sat there wondering about what I had seen, the stylus lying by my side where I dropped it. It wasn't real. I thought, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm my trembling nerves. Just a dream. Just a dream. I listened as Mom turned on the TV to watch the evening news. Calm, calm. It was just a dream. Nothing is wrong- My thought was cut off as I heard Mom scream. "What's wrong?" I asked, dashing out of my room. Her finger shaking, she pointed to the TV.

"A young high school couple was found dead outside the local park," the announcer said. "DNA evidence shows that they were Jacob Morris and Audrey Halden, as the bodies were too damaged for local authorities to recognize. Based on the wounds on the bodies, it is suspected that a pack of wild canines is on the loose. Be careful everyone."

I stared blankly at the wall. Jacob. Audrey. Dead? Wild canines. My dream. Did I do this? I blinked, the image of their corpses seared in my mind. Crumpling to the ground in a state of shock, I held my head in my arms, thinking. My tablet. I drew it. I lived it. I was there. They died. I saw it. I am a witness. Wait, no, I caused it. Those dogs were mine. I did it. I'm the murderer.

I suddenly registered that I wasn't on the floor anymore. Mom had moved me to the couch. "I'm sorry it happened to Jacob. I'm so sorry, baby." She said, hugging me. "You'll be alright. You'll be fine."

It was revenge, but was it truly? Jacob had cheated and betrayed my trust, Audrey bullied me, her mom took away my dad, but did it mean they deserved such pain and suffering? People say revenge tastes sweet, that it's a dish best served cold. I say revenge tastes salty and bitter, that it's a dish best never served.

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