A New Full Moon

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This is a story I wrote for class. I started toying around with ideas and soon, this little work came to be. So without further ado, let the story commence.

Nobody understands me. I don't feel like I belong anywhere. What do I mean? There isn't a place where I can completely let myself go, to be who I truly am, not the half other people see. I hide my secret tears behind my smile. They think I'm a sun, but I'm just a moon. My dark is masked in a bright light. All of that just to have a part of me accepted into society, while my inner self hides from reality, escaping into imaginary worlds. That's what I did and had always done, until I met the idiots who I now jokingly call my 'Nuisances.'

One late spring day, I was walking in the woods towards my safe place when I heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes behind me. It's those annoying idiots again. I thought, sighing. Can there be just one day when they don't follow me? As I continued walking, I heard their footsteps trailing me. Oh, come on! They're doing such a horrid job of sneaking around that I've already memorized their gaits! Even after I confronted them at school yesterday, they're still going to do this?! What in the world is wrong with them?!

Their names are Naomi, Nancy, Nathan, and Nagisa. They're some of the more well-known kids at this school. Since I arrived at school, I'd noticed that they were following me everyday, probably because I'm the mysterious new transfer, and they wanted to debunk all the rumors that had spread.

During lunch yesterday, I saw them sitting at separate tables instead of sitting together like they always did. Something was afoot. After observing them for a while, their plan was clear. The seats they chose gave them a complete view of the whole cafeteria, but there's a flaw in the plan. It's lunchtime, which means they have to eat, chat with their classmates, and act normal so no one would notice anything different. They can't just stare at me while all that is going on. That would be rude to their peers, and they wouldn't want to tarnish their reputations by doing that, would they?

There's always a loophole. I smirked. But I should be more careful. They can't discover my secret or I'll have to move again.

After lunch was recess, I saw them sitting together, comparing notes. Time to make my move. I came up to them and asked shyly, "Hey, um, can I join you guys?" Nagisa looked up at me and glanced at his friends, who nodded. "Of course you can!" he said with a smile.

I sat down beside him, took a deep breath, and asked them a question in a quiet voice, so that only they could hear me. "Can you guys please stop following me everyday? I don't want you to get hurt because of me." I started crying silently, hoping that my tears would convince them to stop. They looked at each other with shocked looks that said, "Oh, no. We messed up."

"I'm so sorry, Suzu. We didn't mean to creep you out like that. We were just curious about you and just wanted to get to know you better." Nancy said gently.

I cut my act. "Curious? After following me for two whole weeks?" I asked angrily.

"Well, we still don't know a thing about you, except that you're a crybaby-"

"Nathan, shut up!" Naomi scolded. "That's not helping at all."

"What did you mean about us getting hurt? Is there a reason why you don't want us to follow you? Is there something wrong at home?"

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you."

"Just try and we might be able to," Nathan muttered.

"Fine. I'll just say it. I'm what you humans call immortal. Your lives are inconsequential to me and you'll only get hurt if you stick around."

"Woah, that must be so cool!" Nathan said with stars in his eyes.

Short Stories By MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon