Chapter 13

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When I broke through the door to the throne room I saw Lucian, mother, Abby, and Andrew standing in front of this imposter in cuffs as everyone was forced to watch. "ENOUGH!" I shouted as the others from the cell, and my father joined me. Beatrice flickered beside her mother. The witch began crying as she held her daughter and her magic lifted off the pack and the town. She then made the cuffs disappear from my family.

Mother ran to my father hugging each other in that moment the others began to approach the imposter but I threw my hand up for them to stop and they did. "You are no king." The imposter looked at me with angry eyes but I knew deep down that he knew it was over.

"You are not even the king. You killed him years ago when he denied your request to marry his daughter to your son. Then you had the witch put a spell on you to take his identity. She only did it because you had her daughter as a captive in an iron cell. That is a weakness to witches." His snarls were not missed by my ears. The witch then waved her hands causing her spell on the imposter to disappear and reveal his true identity.

"You are nothing but a worthless, pathetic, little girl. You have no idea what you are doing." He spat at me as he realized he no longer had the upper hand. I nodded at Beatrice and she used her magic and held the imposter in place. "You are right i used to be that girl but no more. You are going to show me everything and I will find out who is left from your little game here and there is nothing you can do about it."

He eyes grew wide as I approached him. I grabbed his hand and quickly our spirits were thrown into the past. We were in a small family home where the imposter stood in his younger form talking to a young gentleman who looked like him. "Father why force this? Neither of us want this. No one does but you." The young man said to the imposter. "You are my son and you will do what you are told." The imposter than stormed out leaving the young man to himself.

The young man then turned around and I realized who he was. My former Alpha who died saving me. "Funny isn't it." The imposter said to me as we continued to travel. We were back at the cabin I traveled to before where the imposter killed my grandfather. This time we were outside.

I watched as the imposter's son my former Alpha crept to the window. He watched as his father killed my grandfather. He ran from the scene and we followed in time. Then we appeared to my old pack house. Their stood the Alpha over my young frame in the hospital when I first was found. "Honey, what is wrong." It was the former Luna talking. "That is Anaya. The heir to the throne my father stole." She gasped and gripped the Alphas arm tightly. "I have to protect her. I have to protect her from him my love." She nodded as she agreed with him.

Then again flashing through the air we were at the place where the Luna was killed. There stood the imposter. He was standing over her with a knife. He was smiling like a devil. "I will have her." He whispered as he was then transported through a portal. Another flash we were in front of the Alpha. This is when he saved my life. "Father, do not do this." The imposter laughed as his son spoke to him. "No one is going to stop me." He said to his son as he plunged a silver dagger into his own son's heart. He watched him as he took his last breath with no remorse in his eyes. We were jolted back to the present where we were now joined by another pack. My old pack. There stood my first mate who abused me and rejected me. Why was he here. "YOU!" he shouted and I knew the imposter arranged this as a backup plan.

Lucian turned and let out a powerful growl which caused him halt from approaching me any farther. "You are right Carson. It is my fault your father is dead. He died protecting me from this man you see before you. His own father." I said as I pointed to his grandfather not far from me. "This man killed your mother and your father. He killed them out of pure hate, envy, and greed." Carson stared blankly at the man who he never knew before until now.

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