Chapter 9

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It has been a week since I found my mother, brother, and everything out about my past. I have grown close to Abby she is kind of my sister in a way due to my brother. Speaking of which I have been spending time together with him more and getting to know him. "Andrew, I wish the past did not happen the way it did." 

"Listen Raylynn, I wish it didn't happen that way either, but look at it this way we have each other now." He smiled at me, and I could tell he meant every word. "So, sis, when are you going to give Lucian a chance?" I nearly choked on my coffee.

I knew it would come up eventually, but I was hoping for the latter. Lucian has been extremely understanding and patient with me. "I don't know Andrew, with everything going on it is hard to deal with everything. This is not his fight and I do not want to drag him into this." It was true I did want to be with Lucian, but I do not want my past to cause him any harm. "Raylynn, you are my sister, and I will always protect you." He said pointing at his tattoo.

 "But you also have to understand, the goddess does not make mistakes and Lucian is an adult and an Alpha I think you should let him decide." He then stood up and gave me a kiss on top of my head. He is an impressive brother and if I did not promise Abby to keep it a secret, I would tell him how a great of a father he will be. 

I knew he was right but that did not mean I was not scared of the truth. I have spent some time with my mother as well. I always must remind her to not apologize to me because none of this is her fault. She is a wonderful woman and getting to know my mom has been great.

I decided that I was going to go join training today, Lucian said I was welcome anytime and he was a big boy and Lucifer let me know he is a grown wolf, and they can keep their possessiveness to a medium so I can train properly.

Heading to the training field, I saw Layla watching the wolves train and fight. "What are doing princess?" I asked her she always made me in a better mood. "Hey Ray, watching the warriors and the new fighters train. One day it will be me and I want to be prepared." She said with a beaming smile. "Are you training today?" she asked the man she was a little nosey just like Andrew said but I could not help but love that about her. 

"Yes, I am how about one day you and I get together and start your training a little early?" She jumped up giving me a big hug, "YES, that would be amazing." I hugged her back and headed to the others who were getting ready to begin. Upon me entering the training grounds I smelt that amazing scent and knowing he felt my presence as he turned from his Gamma Scottie who has become a good friend of mine and looked at me and smiled at my presence. I returned his smile and joined the others to begin our training.

We did our run which was ten laps in human form and ten laps in wolf form. We worked on our stances and hand-to-hand combat techniques for diverse types of battle. Lucian in all his handsome glory was leading training today shirtless I may add which the unmated she-wolves drooling over him made Freyja very unhappy. 

Lucian had us all in a circle and was selecting two wolves for hand-to-hand fighting, I could not help but stare at his very handsome chest and stomach. 'Just think Ray, he is all ours.' 'Frey, you horny wolf, we have to focus but yes he is our mate.' She giggled and we kept focusing on the fights to keep up on training, especially after Lucian caught us staring during our heart-to-heart and drooling session causing us to blush at his devilish smirk.

He then called on Hannah who was in some very revealing clothing to step up into the circle to fight next. When she approached, she took her hand and slid it down Lucian's arm forcing me to suppress a growl. Lucian then spoke, "Hannah kindly removes your arm from my body." She did not and began cackling like a hyena which I guess was supposed to be a laugh. She just continued to touch what was mine and it was infuriating myself and Freyja.

 I could not hold back any longer, but I did not just want to attack her. "You should learn to respect the Alpha, and do as he ask," I said kindly but showed my frustration. "Oh, please Lucian loves when my body touches his. Who are you to even speak for Lucian or tell me what to do?" She glared at me, and I could not help but smirk deep down.

I stepped into the middle of the circle and got right into her face and with anger behind every word knowing this was going to be a fight "My name is Raylynn, and you are touching my mate." Her eyes were as big as saucers, and you could tell she did not like my statement. Lucian on the other hand was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning with me officially announcing him as my mate.

Hannah stepped forward growling and not liking my tone to her. She then lunged trying to sneak a punch in to gain the upper hand. I ducked letting her fall flat on her face. She jumped up trying to shift but could not. she was growing frustrated and jumped to tackle me when I caught her mid-air by her throat. I then threw her down to the ground keeping ahold of her throat. "He is my mate, Your Alpha, and should learn your place. Instead of acting like a slut you should be focusing on training and learning that you did not shift because your wolf knew you were out of line."

I then let her go and she stormed off. I did not even notice that everyone else was leaving at once until I felt sparks on my shoulder turning me to face those ocean eyes that sent chills down my spine. "Mate huh?" he said causing my heart to jump. Seeing his smile makes me warm inside. "Yeah, sorry about that," I said as I tried not to blush like a teenage girl. "Do not apologize for being my mate. I am glad you have finally accepted." "I know I just don't want to put my past unto you." He grabbed my chin and caressed my cheek with his large hands. 

"Raylynn, I am your mate, and I will stand by you no matter what so let me." I nodded at him knowing he deserved a chance as did I. "By the way, I must say that little possessiveness is quite sexy on you." He said then kissed my cheek walking away leaving me their feeling as if I melted on the inside. 

"Are you going to join me mate, I think it's time we spent some time together, or you could keep drooling." Those words snapped me out of my chance shaking my head at his forwardness and following my mate. Guess it is time to get to know Lucian and Lucifer and Freyja could not be happier at me giving him the chance we both deeply wanted, our mate.


To say I was happy was an understatement I was ecstatic. She officially accepted our bond, in front of my pack I might add, thank goddess I was worried she would not especially after learning about her past and what happened with her first mate. I wanted to show her no matter what I wanted to get to know her and be a part of her life. Currently, she is upstairs with Abby, and I am getting some help from Andrew and Amanda on setting up a small picnic for Raylynn.

I remember her in the hospital telling me her favorite food and flowers and I just was trying to make it perfect. I decided now or never, and Andrew and Amanda made their exit and I mind linked Abby, 'Abby can you send Raylynn outside and to the back gazebo by the flower garden.' 'Yes, Lucian, I will let her know.' I was feeling all types of butterflies inside I just hoped she liked it.

About 5 minutes later I saw the most beautiful woman walking towards us, smelling vanilla and strawberries, wearing white jeans with gold designs and a blue tank top. I dressed casually I did not want to look too eager as Andrew put it, I wore a black V-neck and blue jeans. I took her hand and showed her what I had set up for us, she smiled and continued to take her seat across from where mine was.

 "I hope you enjoy," as I made her plate of her favorite. "You remember." She said smiling at the Chinese food. "Why wouldn't I remember?" I said raising my eyebrow at her causing her to blush. She made me weak in the knees with just her eyes, she was everything I imagined my mate would be and so much more. We sat in silence while we ate, I did not mind.

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