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Steven's pic above^^


I looked at her seeing that her eyes were staring at something, I turned around curious to know who she was looking at.

I gasp in surprise

What is he doing here?



I quickly turned back around to see Emily still glaring at him, I cleared my throat making her come out of her daze.

''Can I kill him now?'' she asked through gritted teeth

''No, you can't because whatever happened between the two of us is over'' I replied reassuring her that I'm okay

Her tensed body relaxes and her fists that I didn't even realized were clenched are now unclenched. I watched as a waiter walked over to our table to take our order

''What can I get you guys?'' he asked politely

''Can I have a muffin and a hot cup of coffee please?'' I asked with a cheeky smile. I watched as he took notes of my order before looking at Emily who was still glaring at Steven.

''She'll have the same'' I told the waiter before he nodded and left

''Emily stop, you're going to make things obvious, what if he sees you staring he's gonna come over and I really don't wanna talk to him'' I pleaded.

Emily has a bad temper, she tends to get upset and frustrated really quick and I'm the only person that calms her.

''Too late'' she replied

''Hey ladies'' I heard the annoying familiar voice say

''You have some guts coming over here'' Emily said under her breath

''What was that Emily, I thought so'' he spat, before I can even blink Emily was on his back trying to wrestle him to the floor. I quickly stood up trying to get her off of him but her grip on him was tight.

After what felt like hours his friends finally came over to help me get her off.

"You dare mess with my best friend!!" she yelled

"Emily stop" I said getting a bit agitated by her outburst, if it's one thing I hate is attention and right now we were getting a lot of it.

"I did what I did for a reason" Steven replied

"Oh yeah, what was the reason Evil Steven, what was it?" Emily asked angrily. By now everyone gathered around including Steven's friends who were recording the entire scene.

''Ava I'm sorry but being with you was a bet, I don't love you and I surely didn't want you, but thanks for being there when I had no one'' He said grinning at me, his friends began laughing and that's all it took for me to leave that Cafe.

I walked down the street with tears all over my face not even caring if Emily was behind me or not, I walked into a nearby alley so that I can get a break from all the noises of the city.

As I reached a good way in I was interrupted by a loud noise and a scream, I quickly hid behind a tree as I saw a woman running towards me.

''Help me please he's going to kill me'' She pleaded holding onto my feet

''Who is going to kill you?'' I asked her worriedly

''Za-'' She was cut off by a gunshot to her head

I didn't even had it in me to scream, I just stood there in shock.

A lady who looked to be in her mid thirties head was just blown off right in front of me and I'm standing here on the verge of shitting my skin.

I slowly looked up to see two men walking towards me and before I can even run I was tackled to the floor by one of them

''Let me go you big murderer'' I said trying to fight him off

I screamed to the top of my lungs but no one could hear me

''Shut her ass up already'' One of the men said

''Let her go'' I heard a deep voice said from behind me

''But boss she saw what happened'' One of the guys said

''No I didn't'' I lied, still unaware of who was standing behind me. I slowly got up cursing under my breath and turned around only to hit a hard chest, I looked up to see who the person was and regretted I was even born.


The city's most dangerous and youngest mafia leader, he is said to take the life of anyone that gets in his way, he shows no mercy in what he does. Ladies drool over him and wish he'd pick them but he seems to pay them no mind, sometimes I wonder if he's gay.

I'm definitely gonna die today

''Hi Mr. Zade, my name is Ava and I am currently heartbroken and need to get home, would you mind?'' I asked bravely



He smirked, which gave me hopes of getting out of here alive.

''Brave are we?'' he asked pointing his gun to my head

His voice was so deep I almost fell to his knees, but I'm a G

''No, If you're gonna kill me do it now, it's getting late and I always dreamt of dying before the sun set, not getting murdered though, but you feel me right?'' I said

His men chuckled at my silliness

"Nah, you're interesting" he replied tilting his head a bit

He looked as if he was studying me.

"Why were you crying?" he asked, his face was still emotionless, I searched his eyes looking for any sign of care but found none.

"Because your men here tackled me as if I was a lion" I said looking at them angrily, although I lied but he doesn't has to know the real reason behind my tears.

"Mhm" he replied still eyeing me suspiciously, I can tell that he knew I was lying but he let it slide.

''Let her go, if you talk I'll know'' was all he said before walking off and leaving on his Bike.


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