As he was closing the door, he stumbled upon another royal family member that was just visiting the redhead.

"Oh, Wan san."

"Princess Nezuko. Please forgive me for my sudden visit to the prince." Wan bows

"No no. Its fine Wan san. Stand up." Nezuko insisted. "It was nice seeing someone actually visiting him other than his own family members."

"Then, please excuse me." Wan scoot along

"Are you taking a break Wan san?" Nezuko politely asked

"No, something urgent has come up. Don't mind me." Wan simply said

Nezuko looked at the aging butler walking faster than he usually would. She just thought nothing of it and entered her brother's room. Wan on the other hand is on a mission. He heads down the stairs deep within the castles ground and reached a barely lit dungeon. He light up a torch and went down the hallway until he reached at a desk.

"State your business." The guard plainly asked

"I'm here to see the prisoner." Wan simply said

"Which one?"

"The one who blew the ballroom up three days ago."

"Aaaarrgghhh alright, follow me." The guard grumpily said

Both men were walking down the rows of cells where they keep the rule breakers at until they learned their lesson. They walked until they reached the very last cell. Inside was a man crouched playing with something on the ground.

"Hey! You got a visitor!" The guard banged the metal cell doors before leaving

"Oh, how wonderful." The figure said

Wan got closer to the cell and sees the figure a little bit closer. The figure was wearing a black attire with grey lined long pant. His hair was black that fades into reddish orange colour on the tip but the two strands that was longer than the rest of his hair fades into blue instead.

"So, have you consider it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The constable. I offered him to become one of us if he released me from this place." The figure smiles widely

"Alright enough. I came here to ask you some questions." Wan sternly said

"I'm afraid you're only wasting your time here. When you can spend that time elsewhere, why here?"

"First off, what the hell is the shard?"

"You're running out of time." The figure stood up. "Soon, you will be nothing but a useless old man. Tell me."

"How sweet it is, to die in your sleep? Hehe." The figure started to laugh

Wan widens his eyes as he just realized of what he meant. He began to run as fast as possible past the other empty cells.

"Run! Run! In the end, it doesn't even matter! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!"











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