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Goku jumped back as Frieza shot a Ki blast. They had been fighting for about 3 hours now, they had both passed their limits and were running on fumes and Goku had had enough, still angered that Frieza had killed Krillin. Frieza lunged at him, but Goku grabbed his hand tightly, not intending to let go. Frieza pulled back, trying to escape his vice-like grip.

"Grrr, let me go you filthy monkey!" Goku just stood there, staring angrily at Frieza. His hold tightened, and a slight crunch of bone could be heard. Frieza let out a shriek of agony from the pain. He tried to pull away once more, but it only made the strain hurt more. He shut his eyes tightly, sudden tears threatening to spill. He clenched his fist, before lunging, hoping to land a hit with his free hand.

Unfortunately, that hand was grabbed as well, and as the angry super Saiyan was about to break that one, Frieza screamed a cry of mercy. "I'm sorry!! Please, stop, I didn't mean it, please let me go!!!" Frieza screamed at the top of his lungs, collapsing to the ground, with tears now trailing down his face. He thought that he had just humiliated himself, and not even begging for mercy would make the Saiyan stop, but much to his surprise, he felt his hands being released. Everything was silent, and all that could be heard were silent sobs of the pained tyrant as his collapsed to his knees.

Frieza kept his eyes shut, fearing another painful attack. But as he looked up, he saw that Goku had turned back to his normal state, and was staring down at him. Frieza stared into his eyes and saw something he didn't expect. In those eyes, those black, evil, strong, and ruthless eyes, he could see a sign of pity and sadness. But also a tiny hint of....  worry? Frieza couldn't believe it. He was sure that he was going to be killed, but he was actually given mercy, him, Lord Frieza! They continued to stare at each other for some time, before Goku leaned down, crouching in front of Frieza.

Frieza flinched slightly at the sudden action. Goku was staring right at him in front of his face. Frieza looked down in embarrassment and fear. Goku must have not liked that, and reached out and lifted his chin up, for him to look at his face. Frieza could only stare back in fear, as the Saiyan leaned in closer to his face. Frieza shut his eyes tightly, pulling back a little. Goku stopped and paused for a moment. He lifted his other hand up and caressed Frieza's cheek before running his thumb over his purple lips. Frieza's eyes snapped open, and he slightly gasped. Goku, seemingly in no need to rush, just stared once more, admiring his features, especially those eyes and that face which had stopped his revenge plot in its tracks as soon as it burst into tears.

He wiped some tears from Frieza's face with his thumb. Frieza was confused as to why the Saiyan was handling him so carefully when just a few minutes ago he was crushing his hand with ease. Frieza sniffed and wished he could speak, but his fear still kept him silent. Before long, Goku leaned back closer to Frieza's face, and Frieza just stayed where he was, deciding it was the best option at the moment. He didn't expect what was about to happen, so when Goku connected their lips, he gasped, and immediately tried to pull away, but was stopped when Goku held his face still with his hands.

Frieza couldn't think. He couldn't react. He couldn't scream. And he most certainly couldn't attack. He stayed still and tried to stay calm. It was only when he unintentionally gave Goku access to his tongue that he was suddenly engulfed with pleasure. His mind went numb, and he relaxed, suddenly enjoying this moment. And when he kissed back, it felt even greater. Goku released his face and wrapped his arms around Frieza. Frieza risked wrapping his arms around Goku's neck and the Saiyan didn't respond with any hostility, making Frieza calmer.

Soon, however, their gentle kiss turned into an all-out war of dominance. As the fight got more fierce, Goku suddenly turned super Saiyan on impulse. Frieza tightened his grip around his neck, and it was when they broke the kiss, and he opened his eyes to a super Saiyan holding him in his clutches, that his stomach sank. He stared in fear at the mighty ape, and could only pray that he wasn't going to strike. He stiffened like a deer in headlights, waiting for what would happen next. Goku saw his sudden fear and smirked. He leaned down to Frieza's ear and whispered slightly menacingly. "You know Frieza, it's times like this that you should be fearing me." He chuckled slyly, and Frieza's jaw quivered in terror. 'This is it..... I'm going to die. I'm going to die after being kissed by a monkey,' he held back more tears. If he was going to die, he wasn't going to die weak. He would at least die strong, proud, and not crying just because of a monkey. He was paralyzed now, and was completely tense, as fear rose up in him, preparing for the strike to end it all. But nothing happened.

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