daikokufuto race VII

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Kuroo followed closely behind, flashing his high-beams at Oikawa to signal he was right there next to him. They both exited off the highway, entering through the Kohoku Ward, traveling in the direction of the Yokohama Rosai General Hospital. Although it was far out of reach, it was the only hospital open at the time—one that could take in Iwaizumi's critical condition and treat him immediately regardless of the hour.

Oikawa stepped on the gas, the engine booming once again throughout the night. You pressed the back of Iwaizumi's hands on your forehead, silently weeping to yourself. Muttering small murmurs of hope through your lips kept you alert, despite the lack of energy you felt throughout your body. Your fingers trembled holding up his right hand, a painful shiver running down your spine.

Nothing but pain could be felt in your heart. Your tears were running dry, constantly wiping your face with the back of Oikawa's bomber jacket sleeve. His vitals were dropping every second of the way to the hospital, Oikawa increasing his speed as quickly as he could.

While staring down at Iwaizumi, you couldn't help but think back to all the times when you two were younger—a bright smile on his face while he called your name, riding on the back of his bike while he pretended it was a car and you were his passenger. Fast forward to more than a decade later, you remembered seven months ago when you saw him again for the first time at the street race—his figure swallowing you in a giant hug with Oikawa standing right beside him.

As more memories flooded your mind, you sobbed profusely thinking back to a couple of hours ago when you had just conversed with him about the future and his plans to finish university. Iwaizumi dreamed of going back to California to open his own mechanic shop, naming it after your father—the man that helped him discover the one thing he loved doing most. A sharp pain formed in your chest as you clutched his right hand with both of yours, absolutely crushed by the thought of knowing these would be the last moments you spend with him if the worst happens.

Oikawa approached the front of the hospital, the squeal of his tires catching the attention of a few patients and staff members outside. The 350Z rolled up behind him, Leia rushing out of the vehicle and into the building screaming for help. Kuroo ran up to the passenger side door and swung it open, placing his right hand underneath Iwaizumi's shoulder blades while his left scooped under his knees.

Effortlessly lifting his heavy body up from the seat, Kuroo exhaled a large breath before carrying Iwaizumi over to the building in front of him. You climbed through the passenger seat, clutching onto the headrest as you placed one foot out first before completely hopping out. Oikawa exited the car and jogged right behind Kuroo, furiously panting out large breaths of air as they both dashed through the entrance of the hospital.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR, NOW!" Kuroo kicked open the doors, all his energy dropping by the second.

Leia came out through the corner with a rush of trauma and emergency staff members wheeling in a stretcher trolley, oxygen ventilators and cardiac monitors—all helping Kuroo place down Iwaizumi's body onto the bed before pushing him away in the opposite direction.

They hooked him up onto the machines, cutting his Seijoh Brawlers shirt down the middle to expose the wounds all over his chest. Blood dripped onto the sheets of the stretcher, the wheels squeaking against the floor as they rolled him away. Just before they turned back into a corner, one of the nurses exclaimed, "His left lung has collapsed, he's hypoxic and hypotensive."

Kuroo ran a hand through his hair, pushing back his bangs as he let out the heaviest exhale—still feeling that burdening weight on his shoulders. He turned around and faced Oikawa; a desolate and confused look across his face. Looking down at his shoes, Kuroo inhaled another breath, sweat dripping down his forehead. He wished he could have done more to help—he couldn't bring himself to call the ambulance earlier.

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