"sorry, not interested." he muttered; annoyed. she frowned and muttered a 'boo' and walked away.

    "good job." mikasa laughed. he laughed with her and flung one of her pigtails away. they both talked a little more before the alcohol started to kick in just a bit, not too bad at all. eren had a really good alcohol tolerance. he drug mikasa into the large crowd of dancing people and began to dance with her. she just kind of awkwardly stood there, trying to avoid people. he tried to get her to dance but she wasn't a fan.

    "hey eren!" he turned to see sasha there next to him. "think after the party i can give you a few numbers of some girls? i got a few more."

    "i mean, most likely won't date any so i wouldn't want your efforts to be wasted." he shrugged. she laughed and shook it off, joining him with dancing, connie and niccolo soon coming along as well. he looked around for mikasa but lost track of her. he thought she had probably went to the bathroom.

    "connie let's dance on the table!" sasha yelled to connie over the music and she had to repeat it 3 times before connie finally understood. sure enough, the two idiots got onto the table at the side of the room and began dancing. eren laughed at them and took pictures and videos before finally going to get one last drink and step outside to get a breather from the crowded place.

    he walked out of the house and threw in his airpods blasting some music. he ended up at the skate park he was extremely familiar with, except this time he didn't have his board. he saw some guy with black hair skating on the rails a couple of other people just hanging around, sharing joints and laughs. he walked past the park to go into the small town of shops and simply walk around, still holding the red solo cup of punch in his hand.

    nights like this were his favorite, he usually liked to be alone like this. preferably high not buzzed but either is fine. passing the detailed etched buildings and small shops that were all dimmed in the interior. he pulled out my phone to see it was 1 in the morning. the very small amounts of people scaling the sidewalks laughing as they get out of bars and alleyways. he chose to walk back to the dorms, tossing the cup away and texting his friends he had already gone back, mikasa per usual coming soon. but suddenly sasha texted him.

hey wren! herehs some comatcs of the girls i wa talking about !!,!

ur drunk

send them to me in the morning

awwwhhh okayy gonna party mrie!!?!

get home safe

have someone take care of u in the morning

my roomie!

    and with that he turned off his phone and entered his dorm. he shared a dorm with armin so the dorm was always clean and tidy. but the different sides of our rooms were obvious. erens side filled with multiple broken skate boards, records, and magazine covers. armin's filled with calendars, agendas, and pictures of the ocean, stacks of books miscellaneously placed. he took off his shoes and his jacket, slipping off his shirt and pants, left only in his boxers.

he was upset he didn't hook up with someone tonight, but only to make mikasa stop bickering. soon enough he heard a knock, and he knew it was her. "one sec i'm in my underwear." he yelled. she disobeyed anyways and barged in keeping her head down and covered her face. "or not, that works too."

"sorry, some guy was chasing after me, barking." she sighed. "didn't feel like punching anyone tonight."

"on average how many guys do you think bark at you in a day." he asked her, recalling all the times mikasa has told him the number of times she got barked at. "sorry that happens to you, mikasa." eren sighed and climbed into his bed under the covers. "you can lift your head now." she did as told and walked over to armin's bed.

"how much you want to bet armin's drunk." mikasa sighed.

"nothing, i already know he is." he replied staring at the roof. "how much did you drink."

"didn't even finish my cup you poured. i'll go pick them up." she started and stood up again.

"hey, grab my coat. i don't want you getting sick." he demanded and pointed to the end of his bed to the thick fabric. "stay safe." he muttered and put an arm over his head.

"sleep well, eren." the door shut and locked as she walked out. he looked out the window to the very feint bit of moonlight shining through the dusty plastic blinds. he looked at his phone on the nightstand beside him and plugged it in, setting an alarm for tomorrow morning to go to the skate park. he knows mikasa was most likely going to tag along, but at least on sunday he could do what he wanted.

beep. beep. beep. beep.

eren turned over on his side and flung his hand to his phone, repeatedly tapping the screen and hoping to turn off the alarm. he eventually succeeded and turned to armin who shuffled around and smooshed his face more into his pillow. he opened his phone to see mikasa had texted him letting him know if he had a hangover to take some medicine and rest. of course he didn't, he drank too little for it to even make him drunk.

he got up and walked over to his closet, slipping on a blue sweater and some loose beige pants. he bit the hair tie around his wrist, slicking his hair back into a bun and tying it. turning on his heel to go to his bed, he grabbed his skateboard and slipped on his vans. he walked out of the dorm and made my his over to the skatepark where some other people were already there. he took out his airpods and blasted more music while going over to the rails and kicking up his board, perfecting different types of flips.

suddenly his phone buzzed. he kicked up his board with his foot and grabbed it with his hand, grabbing the buzzing device from his pocket.

really quickly heres a number for you to start with!!


damn ok

try and text her!

ok later tho

im at the park rn


    he shook his head put away his phone yet again. continuing to skate.

ok main story will pick up next chapter !!

☆ telephones : e.jaeger ﹆🐋⨯Where stories live. Discover now