Chapter 14

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"Seriously girls, why do I have to be the one to take you both to the bookshop?" Dylan complains as Davina and excitedly gush at the huge just-opened bookshop.

I pinch his arm and roll my eyes as a smile dances on both of our lips. "Because your mom said so." I say.

He groans but than smiles. "Alright fine, you girls can shop for your books, since there's a sale here I'll go get us some coffee and hot chocolate." I smile and nod, he smirks and quickly pecks my cheek before walking away with a mischievous smile and a wave.

I feel the electricity that spread from it, greedy for more, begging to be sparked, I quickly snap out of my daydreaming and go search for books, Davina stays close by and we go to the kid's section to get her more books too.

Dylan's POV

I let out a frustrated sigh and groan as I sit on one of the small coffee tables.
The therapist card feels heavier on my pocket and I can still hear the doctor's voice telling me that it's for the best.

I really do wish I hadn't agreed to it when he said that she needs one, maybe she does but I should probably let her decide.
My phone vibrates again and I hesitantly open the message.

"Your appointment has been scheduled for the 15th of March."

Great, tomorrow is the appointment and the only thing that is preventing me from canceling it is the fact that the stupid doctor said that it would be for the best after her last attempt with the pills.

"You look really stressed." My head snaps up to find Lea and Davina, both with a bag full of what I'm guessing are books, they both sit down and Davina instantly pulls out a book and starts reading. "I think this is probably the only bookshop that has a coffeeshop inside." Lea says amused.

I let my smile take over. "Well I guess we'll be coming here a lot more often." Lea rolls her eyes and sips her coffee.

"So why do you still look stressed?" She asks with a quizzical look.

"It's nothing, just a headache." I say brushing it off, she clearly doesn't buy it and is about to say something else but Davina cuts her off with some excited chattering about her book.

Lea's POV

We drive back home, Dylan still lost in his thoughts, Davina is telling me an interesting story about her book, my focus stays on Dylan who's gripping the steering wheel tightly.

I softly tap him on the shoulder and he snaps out of his thoughts, he gives me an apologetic smile and loosens his grip and relaxes.

I hadn't realized I myself was holding on to the door handle tightly until he slows down.

"D, why haven't you taken Lea to the park?" Davina asks excitedly, Dylan gives me a side glance and a smile.

"If she's up for it than we can go now." Dylan says excitedly, Davina starts cheering and I raise a quizzical eyebrow at Dylan.

Davina suddenly gasps. "D, Alex is back and he's by our house, please drop me off?"

Dylan frowns. "But Davina, I thought you wanted us to spend time together, which is why we are out, are you sure Alex is there?"

"Yes, he send me a message." She says beaming with happiness. "You and Lea can go to the park."

Dylan sighs.

"Live princess."

I cut in before Dylan can say anything. "Alright, we'll go to the park after we drop you off." Davina starts cheering and Dylan gives a crooked smile, I roll my eyes and go back to staring out the window.

A few minutes later we're arriving at the house, a young figure sat hunched on the grass, Davina starts jumping and giggling.

"Be safe and please tell mom that we're out." Dylan says, Davina nods excitedly and rushes out of the car, the boy sees her and he is up on his feet before engulfing her in a hug, the boy seems to be about 2 years older than her. "They're great friends." Dylan says smiling as he drives off.

"They seem to be really close to each other." I say.

Dylan nods. "Our moms have it in their minds that they're soulmates or something like that, Davina and him are very against it and say they're just friends, but who knows." He shrugs.

"So what is this park?" I ask amused.

"Well it's this sort of like behind in time place, they have Irish music and dances and you'll see people dressed as they did in the olden times." Dylan says smiling. "It's about 30 minutes away."

I nod and stare out the window, the sky was filled with dark gray eyes, another storm seems to be on its way.

"Deep apologies about that Mrs. Davis!" I slowly open my eyes only to find a guy wearing a full black suit, his aura literally screams trouble, he is kneeling right in front of me, his eyes are the colors of the sky just before a huge storm, something that might burst any time and cause lots of panic and tremor to anyone.

"You good?" Dylan asks with a soft tap on my shoulder. "Tell me what you're thinking about."

I sigh and lean back on the seat. "Why are you doing this, being nice to me and everything, I punched you on the first day we met?" I ask confused.

"Well I guess in some way or form I got attached to you and I didn't want to let you just be by yourself when I can help you see life again, live life." Dylan says without taking his eyes off the road.

"Thank you Dyl, for everything." I say with a smile.

A few minutes later Dylan takes a turn into what literally looks like an abandoned road that takes us straight into the forest.

"Relax Lea, trust me, you'll love this place." Dylan says smiling and than parks the car.
I get out still feeling slightly weird about this. "What about the car?" I ask as I follow him through the woods.

"It'll be fine, that's my parking spot." Dylan says with a shrug.

We walk in silence for a few minutes and just as I was about to complain to Dylan we step the the woods and into this beautiful clearing, I let out a shocked gasp and my heart drums with excitement.

It feel like we literally went back in time.
I feel Dylan's hand on my back sending shivers up and down my spine. "There's  a lot of stuff we can do and I plan on getting you through all of them." Dylan says, his face is buzzing with excitement.


Hello there guys!

I know this chapter took a long time to come out, it's not my favorite no matter how many times I try to rewrite it but anyways I finished it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment and share.

Love you guys!


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