Chapter 11

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"The game is pretty simple, it's basically as if you're in a real war, your enemies and your teammates, the entire house is the field, the north is yours and the south is ours, there will be sort of like a wall with pillows to divide, you guys have to try and get our flag and we have to get your flag, whoever gets it first wins." Mr. Hamilton explains to me while we carry the box that has the nerf guns.

"Seems quite easy." I say with a shrug, the moment we put the down the box everyone piles on and takes a specific one.

"What are you picking love?" Dylan asks smirking as he grabs one, a big one.

I roll my eyes and grab two of the smaller ones.

"Love that would not be the correct gun to win." Dylan says with his smirk.

"I didn't need a gun to put you on the floor the last time." I say, Dylan's face flushes with color as he rolls his eyes.

"Let's start." Mrs. Hamilton says, us girls got the kitchen as our base. "So from our previous experience they will send Dylan to us, Lea would you be able to get our flag?" Mrs. Hamilton asks. "Don't worry about my husband, he's old and probably won't defend that well."

"I'll get the flag." I say with a nod.

"Davina and I will guard our flag." Mrs. Hamilton says. "Good luck dear and remember their base is by the game room which is pass the staircase."

"Wait before you go." Davina says and softly pushes me down, she dips her fingers in black paint before passing them on my cheeks, I look in the mirror and feel my heart melt, 2 black lines of paint just sat on my cheek, I give her a nod before walking away.

The house was deadly quiet, my body following the same rules I followed when I was with my dad, everything just felt normal, I kept both my nerf guns loaded and ready, the wall of pillows that Mr. Hamilton had told me about finally came to view.

I quickly remove my tekkies so my steps were silent as I entered their side, I hear footsteps so I quickly duck behind the couch, they were very heavy footsteps and quickly drifted off, I waited for a couple minutes before peaking over the couch and making sure everything was clear and carrying on.

I slowly peak inside the game room, it's huge, the flag sat right in the middle of the room, on top of a pool table, no sign of anyone, I calm down everything in me before slowly moving in and quickly crouching behind one of the arcade games.

I hear shuffling and steps and I hold my breath and than some cursing, Dylan.
I slowly look from the side to see him just standing there mingling with his gun, more cursing follows, I breathe in and out, make sure both my guns are fine before quickly getting up and start shooting at him.

He yelps shocked and aims his gun at me but I was already ducking behind the other couch. "Seriously strawberry, a warning would have sort of been perfect." Dylan says.

"And where's the fun in that?" I ask still behind the couch, I hear his footsteps coming around and I softly crawl away and around before getting up and aiming at him and start shooting from both, Dylan curses some more before starting to shoot too, he gets me a couple times on my stomach and my shoulders get the most hits but I slowly move back while shooting.

I run out of bullets and swear as I rush to the flag that now somehow seems further, Dylan being the bigger person quickly catches up and pulls me to the ground, his body hovering over mine, I ignore my fast heartbeat and turn him over before getting back up.

"Oh no you don't." Dylan says before grabbing my one hand just as my other grazes the flag, I quickly dig into my small pocket and grab the last candy, I chug it at his face catching him off guard and it goes straight to his forehead and he staggers back shocked letting go of my hand.

I lose my balance but manage to grab the flag but end up falling and banging my side on the floor.

"Fuck Lea, tell me you can hear me!" I hear Dylan's voice filled with panic, I slowly open my eyes and burst out laughing, my side hurts but I still laugh, Dylan gives me an amused smile before it turns into laughter and he too falls down next to me and just laughs.

I haven't laughed in years, I'm laughing even though half my body aches, I realise that I have been clutching the flag in my arms, I slowly get up and Dylan is instantly there supporting my side, he gives me a broad smile and I find myself returning it.

I let half my body support on him as we walk, I sort of had to hop and limp but we slowly made our way to the kitchen where Mr. Hamilton kneeled on the floor with ropes around him, Mrs. Hamilton and Davina were just eating chocolates.

"Sorry dad but we lost." Dylan says smiling, Mrs. Hamilton sees me and panic flashes through her eyes and she rushes to my side.

"Oh dear, what happened, you couldn't have gone softer on her Dylan!" Mrs. Hamilton says panicking as Dylan helps me to the stool.

"It's fine really, it was my fault, I lost my balance while grabbing the flag but at least we won." I say smiling.

"Can someone untie me please?" Mr. Hamilton asks, Dylan laughs and starts to untie mr. Hamilton.

"Well it will soon be time to have s'mores and hot chocolate and watch a movie so why don't we all go change into more comfortable clothes." Mrs. Hamilton says before handing a hot water bottle that she just heated, I sigh in relief the moment I place it on my shoulder first and give her a gracious smile.

Mr. Hamilton carries Davina up and places her on his shoulders and all 3 of them walk away laughing, I get off the stool and Dylan is instantly by my side supporting me.

"I can walk." I say rolling my eyes while smiling.

"Alright than." He says with a mischievous smirk before stepping away catching me off guard and I nearly fall again but I quickly grab the counter and glare at him, he bursts out laughing. "You're the one who said you could walk."

"This is your fault." I say with a glare and I get myself back up on the stool before placing the hot water bottle back on my shoulder.

"Not my fault you threw a candy at me." He says and sits down on the other stool next to me.

"You should have seen your face when it hit your forehead." I say with a chuckle that turns into laughter. "Your face was priceless."

"Oh please, it wasn't that horrible." Dylan says rolling his eyes and than his silent for a couple seconds but than bursts out laughing too. "That was by far the most fun I've had on our nerf war."

We laughed for a good 5 minutes before we calmed down.

He tilts his head to the side with a smile. "Your face still has the paint which I'm guessing Davina put on you."

I nod smiling. "She's adorable and besides, to remove it I have to walk all the way to the bathroom and I'm not really in the mood."

He was about to say something else but the rest were already there, excited, Mr. Hamilton places a crown on my head.

"Winners get crowns." He says smiling.

"It was an honor to win." I say smiling.


Hello there!

Hope everyone is having a great day

And I hope whoever reads this enjoys it.

And of course, please don't forget to vote and comment and share.

Lots of love


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