Chapter 13

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Neither of us say anything as we walk back to the room, being as quiet as possible.

The moment he closes the door he turns to me, rage was just pouring out of him. "You were ready to go back."

"Well if my friends need me than yes." I say rolling my eyes and walk to the bathroom but than he grips my hand and pulls me back.

"You mean the friends who nearly killed us both." Dylan says angry.

"It was an accident, stop being such an asshole." I say frustrated.

"Oh wow, I'm being an asshole." He says with a humourless chuckle. "You were fucking ready to go back to where everything started, you were fucking ready to give up on what you've accomplished, do they know what you've been through this whole fucking time, no." Dylan yells angry.

He walks towards me causing me to walk backwards until the wall hit my back and he traps me in between his arms, my heartbeat increases.

"Why would you give up everything that you've accomplished, you were just going to throw it away, because they need you." Dylan says slightly calm, I look down at the floor and he tilts my head gently to look at him. "You know that being there would have broken you."

"Because that's who I am, I'm the friend that's always there for everyone." I say staring into his eyes that are just clouded with confusion.

"But who's there for you?" Dylan asks, I don't answer and after a couple seconds he pulls away. "You're bleeding." He says concerned before holding my hand again and makes me sit on the bed, he disappears into the bathroom and comes out with the first aid kit.

He kneels in front of me and tilts my head slightly down, he winces but than starts cleaning it, I lose track of what he's doing in my head as my focus is on the mirror with our reflection, my heart is beating fast.

"There you go, any more cuts?" Dylan asks snatching my attention from the mirror.

"Only bruises probably." I say with a shrug, Dylan nods and gets up, I see a dark spot on his shoulder, a lot bigger than mine.

"Your shoulder Dyl, it's bleeding too." I say getting up and walking to him.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Dylan says with a shrug, I glare at him and he sighs as he hands me the first aid kit and removes his shirt slowly and with a nearly silent hiss.

I sit back down on the bed and motion for him to come in front of me, he faces the front to the mirror, I wince when I see the scratch, it's not really deep but it goes from his shoulder down to the middle of his back, it's right opposite his other scar.

"What's the other scar from?" I ask, he seems to hesitate but than breathes out.

"I was in a bike accident 2 years ago, damaged my shoulder a lot, was in a coma for 7 months, haven't been able to get back on the bike since than." Dylan says.

"That's why you need the pills."I say frowning.

"Panic attacks is a nasty thing to have." He says with a sigh.

I finish cleaning up his scratch and than place my hand on his shoulder. "All done." I say staring at the mirror, his eyes seem to also be focused on the reflection.

I get up and walk to the bathroom, I change out of my clothes into a clean pair of shorts pyjamas, it wasn't any of his shirts but one of my own, I don't even know how long it's been since I've worn one of my own shirts to sleep.

When I walk out Dylan was already changed, he smiles at me and than leaves, I switch off the light and lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling and sooner than I thought sleep overtakes me.


I stare at the ceiling confused, I slept without any complications, no nightmares, nothing, just peaceful sleep and I'm awake.

I get out of bed and head for the shower, I wear a black sweat pants and a very light pink sweater, it's still raining and the air is slightly chilly.

I walk out the room and go downstairs to the kitchen where the smell of warm cinnabuns hit me, Davina sat on the island, a huge glass of milk next to her and she was busy eating a cinnabun, there was a 2 plate fulls on top of the stove.

"Finally someone else is awake, Mrs. Lea, please come sit with me." She says smiling and I find myself smiling too, I nod and when I sit on the stool she tells me to sit up on the counter.

"Where is everyone?" I ask confused.

"Well let's see, mom and dad are still asleep, Dylan on the other hand is just in the guest room pretending because he's too lazy to get up and take me out." Davina says rolling her eyes. "Mrs. Lea, please tell him to come down and take me to the bookshop?" She asks shyly.

I smile. "I'll go up now and you can call me Lea." She nods and I leave the kitchen and walk back upstairs, the guest room door is closed, I roll my eyes and just open it and of course it was unlocked.

His chest was barren, the room was icy cold from the AC, the sheets only cover half his body, an arm draped over his eyes.
I quietly make my way to him, I poke his cheek but he just grunts, I poke his cheek again and nothing happens.

I groan and place my hand on his chest and in that one second he wakes up startled and grips my hand tightly with the one hand whilst the other held a knife to my throat.

"Breathe Dyl, it's just me." I say calmly even though my heart feels like a rollercoaster ride.

Dylan tilts his face in confusion and than he quickly realizes what I mean and he moves the knife away and releases my hand. "What are you doing here so early?" He asks and places the blade back underneath his pillow, he avoids my eyes and lays back down.

"I woke up early and felt great and when I went downstairs Davina told me to come back up here and tell you that you're supposed to take her to the bookshop." I ramble as my heart is still beating fast.

He drapes his arm back over his eyes and groans.

"What's wrong Dyl?" I ask and sit down on the bed.

"Why would you assume something is wrong?" Dylan asks.

"Well you have a blade under your pillow, you were clearly sweating at night from some nightmare probably, that reaction when I accidentally touched your chest clearly triggered something that had you up in a blink." I say and lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling, I swear that if my heart had to be in a race, it would be winning.

"Can you tell Davina that I'm just not feeling well right now, just a couple more hours and than I'll take her." Dylan says and turns to the other side of the bed and pulls the sheets over his head.

"You do know you can talk to me Dylan, I don't bite." I say calmly but confused.

A few seconds pass before he groans and turns around to face me, I turn on my side to face him too, we could be sharing a breath at the proximity.

The rain had started again and it was the only noise that was heard as we both stared at each other, I try everything in me to ignore whatever is going on inside me.

His chest was rising up and down probably at the same rate as mine, he hesitantly lifts his hand and brushes my cheek, it was just a graze that somehow sent a whole bolt of lightning down my back, he gently brushes away my hair and places it behind my ear.

Than his hand went to my chin and he let his hand caress it, sparks just blew up all over me.

"You seem different this morning." Dylan says amused. "A great different."

"What happened?" I ask again and just praying that my voice doesn't break due to my heart still being on a race.

"I had a crazy dream where they took you and all I did was let them do it." Dylan says shortly, I smile. "Don't laugh at me." He says rolling his eyes and a smile dances on his lips.

"I wasn't, I promise, you do know that you could have just come back in the room right, I wouldn't have minded." I say as I get up.

"Thank you Lea." Dylan says as I leave.

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