Chapter 12 - Leap of Faith

Start from the beginning

"You got an attitude, can't wait to pound it outta you," He spoke loudly before saying in a lower voice "Thrust by thrust." his tongue darted out and licked the outline of Demi's earlobe, the slimy, pink muscle darting into the narrow cavity. The man's teeth gently bit down on Demi's earlobe. Rather than push him away Demi looked pale, as though he was about to throw up.

"Back the fuck up!" Marshal prepared to charge forward before Michael stopped him "You're gonna get sent to SHU, you know you can't." he hissed as Tony continued to molest my only friend.

His friends stared on, Brandon turning to me with a smirk, "I can make you feel good like that." he muttered weakly, taking a step toward me. I held up my hand to distance him

"Look, he's getting hard." Tony cackled, his hand cupping Demi'd groin, causing the boy to gasp before biting his lip. He looked away in embarrassment. That was it. Without another thought I sprang forward, taking the man, who outweighed me by perhaps one hundred pounds, by surprise. He fell to the ground, giving me the upper hand. Instinctively I punched him in the jaw.

The one punch got my adrenaline moving throughout my body. Before I knew I threw yet another punch, this time on this opposite cheek. And another landed on his nose. Then below his lie. Then directly upon his left eye. There was shouting and yelling surround us, feet stomping, and someone calling my name. I laid one final punch on the man before I was pulled off by two pairs of hands. One was rough while the other was soft yet firm. Before registering fully what was happening I felt thousands of bolts surging through me, I had never in in greater pain in all my life. Before my eyes shut on their own accord, I saw Demi cuddled into Marshals arms.


I continued to pace the confinements of the unknown cell. I had no bed upon my cement bunk, my clothes had been taken, leaving me only in my prison issued underwear. I had no idea how long it had been. When I awoke, there sat two trays of food in front of my door. One was a single, soggy pancake with a slice of ham and plain eggs. The other was two sandwiches, baloney and cheese, with green beans, and pudding.

I was so hungry, I immediately took one sandwich, holding my breath, and began eating what I was given. Prison food grew on people, it wasn't good however I could keep it down. On my second night I had thrown up my entire dinner, same with the next two nights. By the fourth it still left me nauseous though I could keep it down. I scarfed down the two sandwiches, without tasting anything. Before I could begin on the green beans the cell door lurched open. Standing before me, looking as furious as I'd ever seen him, was Alexander Lavigne himself. He wore jeans, white nike sneakers, and a white button up shirt. He looked casual though work appropriate.

He stood there only looking at the papers he had in his hand. "Up against the wall inmate." he ordered sternly, an order which I was quick to follow. Since I'd kissed him he seemed to require an extra level of firmness when he ordered her to do something. This time, he had to only say it in his simple tone for me to obey.

I heard him entering the cell and the door shutting behind him. Before I could speak, the stack of photos fell in one stack to the ground. "What the actual fuck were you thinking?" I didn't respond "No I'll tell you what you were thinking, you weren't! A man is in the infirmary because of your little outburst. I have to spent my friday night filing paperwork about this and you have nothing to say?"

"He deserved it." I muttered

"Speak up or shut up." He commanded

"He deserved it! He can't just go around touching people!" I shouted "People have feelings and he's scum" I turned around to glare in his direction, immediately regretting it once I saw he had gone pale.

There was a pause before he spoke again "He touched you?" he asked slowly

"He was practically fucking Demi right there and no one did anything about it! What else should I do when no one here can do their job or even have decency to stand up for someone? " I was angry as I spoke "She didn't deserve any of it" I whispered the final sentence. I thought of Maddi, wherever she was, and how she was so young. She couldn't stop him, and my mother didn't dare to. I still recall all the nights she'd refused to leave my bed, for fear she would be left alone with him.

"She?" He questioned me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"None of your business!" I growled, holding back the tears that threatened to leak out.

"It is my business because I'm the one who needs to sign off on giving you SHU time. Right now you're looking at a month. A month in here, 23 hours a day, two showers a week, and caged outdoor time. Is that what you want?" He spoke gently.

"I want out of this hell hole, to move on with my life. I want exactly what you want." I felt the tears spill and soon I could taste the salty droplets in my mouth as I struggled to speak.

"You don't know what I want." Alexander paused, "I want you." In one easy step in had me pinned to the wall, towering over me, and his soft lips crashed onto mine. Our lips molded into one another's. His hands were on either side of my face. My hands rested on his hips. Gently I sucked on his lower lip, enjoying his moans in delight. His tongue moved along my lip, begging for entrance. Before I could grant it to him, he pulled away, retreating to the opposite side of the cell. He was blushing furiously, covering his mouth.

"Why did you pull away?" I tried to step forward though he held up his hand. I noticed the tent forming in his trousers, the area that only second before was pressed against my stomach.

"You can't tell anyone about this" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

I felt nauseous at the him thinking so little of me that I would reveal out intimate moment to anyone. "I won't"

"Thank you" Alexander sighed in relief. "Because this is is illegal." He shook his head, finally answering my question. "Read those papers and call your lawyer after. You're gonna be in here for three weeks before you're reviewed to be transferred. If you're approved you'll go back, if not you'll spend the last week in here before you go back." he rushed through before turning and fleeing from the room.

Wow two uploads in one week! I worked on this all day and I hope you all like it. I know I said 5 comments but one person who commented made me laugh so much that I couldn't help it. So this definitely need five different people to comment. The photos are of the men, all labeled accordingly. The song is once again something I like but it sorta related to this chapter? I don't watch the show but the full song is so pretty!! Secret by The Pierces, which relates to future chapters as well. Please Vote, Comment, and Enjoy!

Sorry I know I uploaded this twice now but wattpad is havign serious problems again. I think the links, fonts bold/italics, and everything should work now.


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