That Spell

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(Btw not a lot of stuff changed in here. maybe some wording, but that's it. the later the chapter is, the more edits it will have.)

Hi what's up? This is NOT a ship story. So I don't know if I'm searching the right things, but I can't find hardly any genderbend stories on here. So I was like, I can just make one, right? I know I'm buried in projects, but this is just a side thing for me. Not as many updates will be happening, but I mean, this is just for fun. Luv y'all! Read and devour the text!!!!!! Don't forget to vote!!!


Is it here or here?

Seto scanned the pages of the spell book, trying to decide between two similar spells. One was for happiness and friendliness, and the other? Well, Seto didn't know. He could read it, but it was really easy to still get things confused. After all, he had only just begun studying the language!

Finally deciding on the spell he had thought was right, Seto left the book open. He clicked the computer screen to open Skype.

(Oh, and I forgot to mention that everyone looks just like their minecraft skin. Except Jerome. He looks like a brown-haired white guy with a bacca cap.)

He clicked on the contacts that read Adam, Ty, Mitch, Jerome, and Jason.

(I didn't do Husky b/c I don't know how to make a girl-like Pokemon. I don't even think Pokemon have genders! Do they?)

Everyone had joined by eleven o'clock. They talked about random things, mentioning that it was spring break.

"Spring break!" Ty yelled through the small speaker, causing everyone to laugh.

(SPRING BREAK!!!!! Okay I'll shut up now...)

"But do you have the bikini?" Adam asked, a light pink color tinting his cheek.

"Wouldn't you like to see?" Ty said seductively.

Adam blushed and everyone else just laughed.

"Kawaii Skylox desu!" Mitch yelled, ruining the moment.

"Oh, who's speaking Merome?" Adam shot back, laughing at Mitch and Jerome's shocked faces.

"To be honest," Jason started, looking into the camera. "Do you actually have one?"

Ty blushed, and feebly answered, "It was a stupid mistake..."

Giggles erupted from Seto, who could not stop giggling once he started. Everyone else laughed along with him. Ty blushed an even darker shade of red. "C'mon, guys. It was a one-time thing. It was gonna be a prank."

"WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE IT THEN?!" Jerome yelled, falling off his chair laughing.

"It was EXPENSIVE!" Ty yelled back, finally laughing along with everyone else.

"Show us! I don't believe you kept that thing!" Jason said, giggling.

Ty sighed, and they noticed he left the screen. He returned back a short while later, sure enough, holding a black bikini thing. Seto, who had already been giggling hardcore a while ago, burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Ty! That's priceless! It's not your girlfriend's?! Are you sure?" Mitch was cracking up.

"It's mine! Is that so hard to believe?" Ty just sunk into his chair, barely visible on the screen.

"Of course! You're a GUY! Why...?" Mitch couldn't finish his sentence before nearly dying of laughter.

Seto, still laughing, couldn't catch his breath. The others had stopped laughing by now, just noticing that Seto was the only one who hadn't stopped.

It Started with a Spell(Genderbend) DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon