I looked at him in horror as I realised how serious the situation actually was. He was minutes away from dying. I had to work, and quick.

"||ᒷリリ||!" I shouted her name, knowing she would hear it. Then I turned back to him and pulled out another syringe. I infection it right to the bleeding arm.

"What's-," Yenny started as she peeked her head through the curtains. She froze mid sentence when she saw Grian laying on the bed in that condition.

"He's been cut with a poisonous demonic weapon. The cut is really deep and the poison has spread fast. I need stronger anti-poison potions to get the poison out as fast as possible," I instructed her while trying to get him more stable with my magics.

"On it!" Yenny exclaimed and turned around, disappearing behind the curtains.

I ran my hand through his hair and bit my lip, making it bleed. The taste of my own blood filled my mouth, but I couldn't care less. I had to keep my magics running so I could keep his heart bleeding.

[No one]

        Lupin ran up the stairs, pulling the doors open as fast as she could. They opened easily and swung wide open. Ned and Reed, even though they had seen her ran and slam the doors open, hadn't had enough time to react to the doors opening so fast. And so Ned flew down the stairs again. Reed just watched after him with his jaw hanging open. He hadn't expected the doors to be able to open so fast, usually they were really tricky.

"I'm so sorry リᒷ↸!" Lupin shouted after herself as she ran into the Council's private property. Her footsteps echoed through the hallways and faded away as the doors shut behind her.

She kept running until she bursted through the office's doors. Her suddenly appeared made Oskari drop his book that happened to land on Leslie's head since she was standing next to the ladders he was sitting on.

"Is the place on fire or are you just trying to make the oldest of us have heart attacks?" Mao asked, raising his eyes from the book he had been reading.

"If you didn't happen to notice, the rest of us here are 19 or 18. Your the oldest of us here," Irwin pointed out as he looked at Oskari and Leslie and then back at Mao.

"Damn, I thought there was someone older than me, but looks like I was wrong," Mao sighed and turned to look back at Lupin.

She had finally caught her breath and began exclaiming. "We have a problem! ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ's handling it, but it's still a problem!"

"Is it a medical center one? Someone injured?" Mao asked, his tone turning serious. He understood that they weren't joking anymore, this was something serious that they were dealing with.

"Yes," Lupin nodded fast.  " ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ's gotten a deep cut from a poisonous demonic blade. He almost died, but ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ and ||ᒷリ managed to make his situation more stable. The problem is that ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ is using her own energy to keep his heart beating and she's starting to look weak. She can't keep up for long, we need someone else who has the same kind of magical abilities!"

"ᓭ⍑ᒷリ is our best opinion. She has experienced from demonic magics. Someone go get her!" Mao answered immediately. Irwin stood up and hurried out of the door like a bolt of lightning.


          The world was spinning fast, but I couldn't take my hands off of his chest. I had to keep him stable while Yenny used the medical ways. My head hurt and I felt like I was burning up. The magic was way more stronger than what I normally used and it was really weakening me. But I had no other opinions than to keep it up, I didn't want him to die.

As We Dance With The Devil {The Endless War REWRITE} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang