Chapter 4

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~Delilah's POV~

While Carson and I continued talking Johnny came up to us "What's up Delilah"


"You wanna sit with me and my friends?" Johnny asked

"No, I'm good sitting with Carson" 

"And why would you rather do that?" He laughed

"Because he is nice, sweet and caring, you and your friends just care about sex and basketball" 

"Damn that hurt...whatever i'll talk to you later" he said laughing. Carson just stared at me 

"What?" I said

"Damn" he laughed "I've never seen anyone talk to there boyfriend like that"

"What!He's not my boyfriend" 

"Oh okay....wait, your into girls?" he said confused

"Nooo! I date guys" I laughed "Just not that kind of guys"

"What kind of guys then?" he asked

"Why are we talking about me, let's talk about you" 

"Me? Why ew?" he said with a disgust I laughed "S-" before he could finish my stomach started making noise "You hungry?" he asked

"What?No.." I said even though I was

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yep" Then I saw him looking at my nails its looks like he wants me to stick them up his asshole

"Are those your actual nails? he asked

"Yes" I laughed

"WTF" he yelled

"What??" I chuckled

"How are your hands so perfect??" 

"What do you mean?" then I noticed people staring at us and started laughing. Then I looked where Carson was looking "Uh hey Carson" I said

"What" he looked away and he started shaking his legs "Why do you even sit with me talk to me?? Is it because I'm your partner and I know you're friends with those two clown sisters and that asshole over there?" I sat there silently

"I'm sorry.." I got up and walked away

"Hey Delilah! Come here!" Johnny yelled. I walked over to him

"Um..Hey" I said not really looking at him

"What's wrong? Did Carson do something to you?"

"What? No"

"Well if he did he probably didn't mean it" he said while his friends were staring at him weird and laughing at him. Johnny grabbed my hand and walked out of the lunch room

"What?" I asked curiously

"You know me and Carson used to be best friends..." 

"What?? What happened?"

"A lot.. But it's not my place to tell you. He should tell you but don't ask him, he will tell you why everyone "hates" him and things like that. He know's when he can actually trust you and knows when you want to leave him" he explained

"Oh.." was all I said

"Yea, in fact me Carson , Alex , Sam and Valeria used to be all best friends!" he continued

"Who is Alex? "

"The weird kid with the blond fluffy hair" he laughed

"Oh him! His hair he cute"

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