Chapter 2

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~Delilah's POV~

"Hello class, I'm Ms.Jones and today we are going to have our first assignment. Y'all are already assigned with someone so don't ask. Boy with girl!"

"UGH" Sam says.

"That's just the assignment, it's not math. It's the middle of the year project" Ms.Jones said

"Is it for a grade?" Sam asked

"100 points easy grade!" Ms.Jones said as she grabbed the papers "Y'all have a week to finish and y'all can work on it after school as well! I recommend both here and after school, so you can take your time". She started calling out names "Sam with Zach, Avery with Miles, Delilah with Carson" and she kept going.

"At least you get to work with a cute boy" Sam said I laughed at her

"Alright guys go to your partners". I got up, got my books and went to the back.

I sat down next to Carson then he started shaking his legs "Uh hi" I said, no response "Well this will be fun" I whispered while I put my head down.

"This assignment is appropriate" Ms.Jones put the papers on the desk "Come and get one" . There was an awkward silence between Carson and I. "Should I go get one?" I asked. He stares at me and says nothing then looks down. I sign. I got up, grabbed the papers and I started reading it "Woah okay.." I whispered. Carson got really close to me so he could read the assignment "Here" I said while moving the papers in the middle of us

"Well this is dumb!..." Carson said

"HE SPEAKS" I said Sam started laughing and I saw Carson smile a little bit.

"Does everyone know what to do?" Ms.Jones asked

"No!" Sam yelled "WAIT, nvm I got it" she giggled 

"The assignment is about boys and girls doing inappropriate things in scho-.."


"Get to work then!" Ms.Jones yelled. I dropped my pencil and I couldn't reach it. I was also too lazy to get it. "I didn't like that pencil anyways.." I said. Carson looked at me "What I don't feel like getting it, don't make that face " I said then he looked away "I was kidding" I chuckled

"You didn't hurt my feelings.." he said.

~The bell rings~

"Hurry up Delilah!!" Sam whined "I'm comi-" she grabbed my hand and dragged me out.

~Carson's POV~

I got my things and started to walk out of class. Then I remembered the pencil Delilah had dropped under my desk, so I went back to class got the pencil and walked out.

~Delilah's POV~

"What class do you have next?" Sam asked

"Uhhhh history" I said

"Mm I don't have that but my sister does. I'll show you!". Sam grabbed my hand and we started walking and we stopped.

"Wait, why did we stop??" I asked

"Do you need anything from your locker??" she asked

"huh.. no why?" I asked

"Boy," Sam said. I looked at her confused

"What boy?"

"That boy, hi!" Sam said

"Uhh hi? Hey Delilah!" Johnny said

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