Chapter 3

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~Carson's POV~

I saw her getting out of the bathroom. I started walking back to class and she followed me. I looked back at Delilah and she had her head down with her red face. I stopped in front of the classroom door. "Why did you stop?" she asked

"You don't want to go in right now" I said

"Why?" she asked. I tilted her head up and looked at her face "What?" 

"Your good come one" I opened the door and went in and people were looking at us. I was walking to my desk and Delilah followed with the pass in her hands. "Pass" I said

"What?" she said in confusion. I got the pass from her hands, put it on the teacher's desk and went back to my seat "I knew that.." I heard her whisper 

"What class do you have?" I asked

"I have science" 

"Same"  I agreed

"Cool" she said

"Not really"

"You don't like the teacher" she asked

"It's my step mom" 

"What's wrong with that" she said confused

"She calls me cute and stuff" I said while putting my head on the desk

"Oh.. well anyways" she said

"What?" I asked

"I like your voice, you should talk more often" she says. Then the bell rings. We both got up and we were really close to each other. Then I remembered what she said... she liked my voice. "Hello Carson?.." she said and I looked at her she backed up a little and tripped I tried catching her but wasn't paying attention so I fell on top of her "Owwww'' she said

"I know that hurts.." I said in pain. I know because her knees hit the wrong spot.

"Ya'll good over here" I heard Sam say while laughing

"Carson get off of me" 

"Delilah he's in pain" Sam said while laughing

"I am too! He landed on top of me" 

"I think you hit his bal-" 

"Yeah ok!" Delilah interrupted Sam "You good now?" she asked ,I got up slowly and rolled my eyes and walked away.

~Delilah's POV~

"Yea it's okay that you landed on me...Jeez" I said. Sam put her hand out and helped me up. 

"He doesn't have his jacket on" Sam looks at me "You have his jacket" 

"Don't ask" Sam laughed

"Well everyone knows that's Carson's jacket"

"So?" I said

"Just saying. Anyways let's go to science" she said

"You have science too? I asked

"Nope, but you do,". We both walked to science and said our goodbyes. I sat in the back corner and figured Carson would be there. Carson walked in and ran to his desk

"Why did you run" I asked he just looks at me "Oh the bell rang"

"I know" he rolls his eyes, he sat back in his chair with his legs opened because he was still kinda hurting. I got a piece of paper and I wrote sorry on it and gave it to Carson. He read it and smiled but then noticed people were staring "This isn't the 4th grade" he said, putting the paper down and balling it up. I knew people were looking at me

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