Chapter 1

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~Delilah's POV~

 "Ughhh''. My alarm clock goes off. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a warm shower. After I finished drying myself, I did my make up and my hair. I went to my closet and saw a huge mess "There's shoe boxes everywhere!!!". I picked my outfit. I had a red crop top with black ripped jeans and my red Jordan 1 mids Very Berry.

You're gonna miss the bus!". My mom yelled from downstairs. 

"I'm not taking the bus"

"Oh yes you will! You're father and I have to go to work. Now get your ass down here!".

" Why did we have to moveeee?" I whined while running down the stairs.

"Your father got a new job here and I'm starting a job today..." awkward silence "SO LET'S GO!" my mom yelled

"I'm coming!!". I grabbed my phone and book bag and ran out the house. I got on the bus and sat in the back by the window all by myself..... yay.

"Hey!" I heard some girl say.

"Hey". I replied

" You new here?" she asked


 "Cool! my name is Sam". 

"I'm Delilah" I replied

"Love that name" she sang while I laughed.

We arrived at the school and everyone went off to their own separate way. I was walking to my locker minding my own business until some boy tripped me. "OW! Why did you do that?" 

"You were in my wa-" he turned around

"What?.." I said he put his hand out and I got up..then the boy walked away. "Rude..."I said under my breath

I picked up my books and papers while people stared at me..gosh I hate when people do that. When I finally got all my stuff up off the floor I tried opening my locker but couldn't. "Hey beautiful" I heard someone say. I turned around "WOAH! Your even beautiful from the front"

"Um okay? Anyways can you open my locker?" I asked then he laughs

"Jeez okay not the kind of girl" he said while grabbing my locker combination out of my hand

"Sorry I'm just new here and I don't even know where my class is"

"I can show you! What's your class?" he asked


"Same! That's good. What else?"


"I don't have that I have science then I have history" he opened my locker "There ya go" he said while I put my books in there and got my binder "Re-" then some boy yelled "John come here" from the other side of the hallway

"One sec" he yelled "Sorry, I'm Johnny by the way and math is down the hallway on your right last door!"

" Okay thanks and I'm Delilah" I said, he smiled and went over to his friends.

I started walking when some boys were staring at me but I still kept walking. "Hey Delilah!" Sam said

"Hey Sam!" 

"Where are you going?" she asked


"Samee! The teacher is so nice" I smiled 

"Have you made any friends yet?" she asked

"Umm some guy tripped me and I think Johnny helped me with my locker" 

"Oh Johnny yea I'm friends with him...wait who tripped you?" 

"I don't know but he turned around and helped me up and left" 

"Wer-it was probably the bully/bad kid?" 

"Huh??" I said confused

"Not sure.. he is just built different" I chuckled

We both walked into the classroom. "Is that him?"  Sam asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Come on" she grabs my hand and sits down

"Why do we have to sit here facing him?!" I whispered. Sam laughed

"He is staring at you," she whispered. I sat there confused while Sam still kept on laughing "What do you have 5th period?" she asked


 "Did you bring extra clothes?" 

"Yea" I replied "What do you have?"

"Reading but my sister has gym" she said. Me and Sam just sat there and talked until the period was over.

High School Lover BoysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant