The Snow Pelt & And A Dommy Y/N{~🍋~}

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At the moment, things are going well, Y/N has some chocolate milk and he only has about two broken ribs from when Todo punched the hell out of him, but he refuses to tell anyone about it, and of course the main event

A meeting is going on, all of the adults talking around a table, from Raven, to Glynda, most are here, and the students are all in the back of the room, just listening, Blake wanted to get her boyfriend to the infirmary but Y/N insisted on staying, so they did

And since nothing important is going on with the students, just them sitting and talking, well they're not talking to the third years, Blake and Nora because they're more than a little mad that Todo punched Y/N like i did to that orphan in 1999

But that's aside the point, what is on the point is the meeting right now, and let me tell you, it's important, a peace treaty from the newly reformed faction of the White Fang

The Snow Pelt

Glynda: "Now that everyone is here, the meeting shall begin" They all nod and the room goes silent for a bit before the star of the show, Sienna stands up

Sienna: "Well now i'm sure that everyone here understands what this meeting is about correct?"

Qrow: "To finally get your ass on our side to shove it up the other faction's ass right?" Sienna looks over to the drunkard who is also at the moment chugging some alchohol from her flask, but Sienna slightly smiles and looks back to Ozin

Sienna: "A crude way of saying it but yes, the White Fang are getting much too forward in their approach of equality, even if we made it clear that we would not help the Kingdoms in dealing with them. It's become increasinly obvious that Human and Faunus kind will no doubt be extinguished if they are not stopped" She and Kali stand up, looking proud and very royal, the beauty of the two captivating Y/N as his tail wags

Kali: "So today, As the Leaders of the Snow Pelt, I Kali Belladonna"

Sienna: "And i Sienna Khan"

K/S: "Hereby announce that the Snow Pelt will aide the Kingdom of Vale in the battle against the White Fang"

Raven: "That's definitely relieving to hear. So Ozin, what do you have to say?" Ozin stays silent for a while before standing up and smiling

Ozin: "As Headmaster of Beacon and Ruler of Vale, i am thankful that you have given us the honor of being your allies, we gratefully accept the alliance" She looks over to Glynda who nods and walks away for a bit, coming back with what looks to be a contract "By signing, the Kingdom of Vale absolutely promises to abolish any form of racism and will be punished severely"

Kali: "That is very much appreciated, and by us signing, we will do everything in our power to stop any form of White Fang activity" They walk closer to each other and shake hands, sigining the treaty together, the paper being put into a briefcase

Glynda: "Well since we're all here, i think we should also discuss other matters, like the thief, Rowin Torchwi-"

Kali: "Oh Her! She's stopped by now, dear said she was going to live a better life, she opened up a shop, Row-Row's Pawn Shop, what a cute name" She says, but suddenly, a little blur appears next to Glynda, looking up at her once it stops

Y/N: "D-Did you say Rowin?!" He looks surprised and a bit scared but she answers nonetheless

Glynda: "Y-Yes, why?" He looks down, not being able to lie, he of course says it

Y/N: "W-We're best friends... Are you gonna arrest her?" He looks up at her with puppy eyes, he's doing this unconsciously just so you know, but of course, this makes all of the adults at the table completely immobile from the cuteness of the lad, even though she knows that this is a strange thing coming from her, since she loves to uphold the law, she answers

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