A Hangout With JNPR

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A day or two has passed since Raven and Qrow have officially become teachers at Beacon, and of course, Y/N is slowly but steadily improving on his studies, from getting almost no questions right, to now getting at least like 20% which is a much bigger improvement than you might think

Right now though, Y/N is with his team, wearing some casual clothes, a pair of black shorts and a grey t-shirt. As of this moment each member of the team is doing their own thing but Weiss is doing something special with Y/N's hair, which soon gains the attention of every member

Weiss: "A man bun! Twintails! Double bun!" She's sure having fun with him as he sits, slightly nervous, he asked her if she could help him with his hair seeing as he's never really done hair stuff before, of course Weiss not having this chance often immediately agreed, but now she's gettting a little out of hand

Y/N: "T-This feels weird, Weiss" He looks up at her, his hair currently in an over the shoulder style, also brushed which looks a bit weird, kinda makes him look like a cute girl "I just want a ponytail.. P-Please" She looks at him, his cute face making her blush

Weiss: "O-Okay, if you say so" She does it and it looks pretty good, his hair is still mostly covering his eyes and the ponytail itself is affected by his hair's natural messiness

Yang: "Wow, Y/N you look adorable!" She gets off her bed and bends down to look at the boy's new style "You should definitely keep it that way"

Y/N: "I-I just wanted this because it was getting hot. I-It usually feels better when it's down" He says shyly as he tries to divert his gaze from the blonde bombshell

Yang: "Aw man" She snaps her fingers as Blake hops down from her bed

Blake: "I actually like it more when his hair is down"

Yang: "What?! How can you not like it when it's like this!" She grabs the youngin and shows him to Blake

Blake: "I stand by what i said" She crosses her arms, looking at the adorable boy. They continue to argue until they both look towards Ruby who was being quiet this entire time, quite unusual for her

Yang: "Rubes! What do you think is a better hair style for him" Ruby suddenly gains a massive red blush as she looks at him, thinking about almost every type of style on him before she looks down, covering her blushing face with her cloak

Ruby: "H-He... He looks good with anything" That makes Y/N blush a bit as Yang finally lets him go

Yang: "Eh, you're kinda right about that" She hops on her bed, looking at her teammates "So, what do we do now? I mean there's no classes today" She stretches he arms as she awaits an answer, but an answer that she didn't expect comes knocking. Opening the door, Blake finds that it's Team JNPR

Jane: "Sup, Y/N. You ready?" They're all in their casual clothes, Pyrrha wearing a simple red t-shirt and a beige skirt along with black leggings, a pair of brown booties, Jane is wearing a black t-shirt with  pumpkin pete on it along with jean shorts with some sneakers on, Nora is wearing a pink tank top that shows her abs along with a pair of pink short shorts on, a pair of white sneakers to top it off. And Ren is wearing a green sleeveless turtle neck shirt and some beige pants along with black sneakers

Weiss: "Ready for what?" She looks over to Y/N who's walking to the door

Y/N: "Ah. I-I'm going to Vale with JNPR" The entirety of Team RWBY is shocked at the statement as Yang rolls off her bed, falling on the floor but she immediately gets up and grabs his cheeks

Yang: "You Made Plans Without Us!?" She pulls on his cheeks as hard as she can, a common punishment if she's mad

Y/N: "Ow Ow Ow, i'm s-sorry!!"

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