Chapter 4 - Our little secret - Part 1

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After Mitsuki left we decided to continue on what we were doing... but suddenly I felt something... "Huh?" Kacchan asked me "What?" I said to him "I felt like someone was whispering in my ear..." Kacchan asked me "Whispering what?" "They whispered... "Kill them ALL" ..." Kacchan was shocked, He asked me "why would they say that? Who's even whispering?" I told him that I didn't know and that we should probably go to sleep, he agreed and then told me good night.



The next day after he told me about the whispering I went downstairs for breakfast and then all of the sudden Inko yelled thinking I was deku saying "YOU DUMB MISTAKE YOU CAN'T EVEN WAKE UP EAR- Oh- K-Katsuki..." She didn't know I was there and I told her "If you keep on abusing deku one day you will really regret that." She stood there quietly as deku came down from the stairs, Inko just glared at him but tried to keep it in.


After we ate breakfast and about to go to school, Inko threw I wine bottle at deku's arm and I stood in front of him angered and then screamed at inko saying "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Inko screamed back saying "WELL IT'S HIS FAULT FOR MAKING HASASHI LEAVE ME!" I screamed back saying "NO HE DIDN'T YOU FUCKING IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU BLAME HIM IF HE WASN'T EVEN BORN YET?!?!" She screamed "HISASHI SAID THAT HE LOVED ME AND THAT HE'S NEVER LEAVE ME!" So I decided to shout her the truth "WELL HE LIED OK! DO YOU WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH? DO YOU WANNA KNOW? WELL HE CHEATED ON YOU AND HE NEVER LOVED YOU!" Inko yelled "NO! THAT'S A LIE!" I asked her "WELL HAS HE EVER ACTED WIERD ON YOU HUH?" "Well he did told me he would hang out with his friends in the weekends..." "WELL HE WAS LYING!" I could tell that her heart broke after hearing that and then I told her "When you got pregnant with HIS baby, He couldn't take it with you anymore and then LEFT!" I saw tears slipping down her cheeks and her eyes raging with anger and sadness he was mad and sad at the same time, I told her "Your going to go to jail for child abuse" And Inko said "But where will he go?!" I said angerly "Oh? So now you care?! If you just had a heart and cared he would've never been broken!" She heard sirens from the outside and police officers broke down the door and arrested her. Her arrest was on the news and Deku was questioned and crowded by people on his way to school, I kept blocking the people away from him and told them "Get out of the way you fucking bitches!" We were so crowded I got separated from him, when we got separated he sank to the ground with his hands in his knees saying "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" He cried, then I broke through the crowd and then picked him up and took him to school.


At school


Kacchan picked me up and then took me to school, some of our classmates saw us and looked surprised when they saw us, Aizawa sensei asked "So uhm.. are you guys a thing now?" And I replied "We were being crowded by people." Aizawa sensei asked "Why?" I explained why and they understood but some were shocked, Todoroki-kun said "So you get abused to..." Everyone was shocked to hear him say that but me? I just put up an expressionless face and then smiled, everyone got shocked to see me smile like that, Kacchan then covered my mouth and told me not to do that again, his hand was still on my mouth so I licked it :)

Eri Kami:

OK OK I'll stop it now lol


a month later


I was sleeping in my dorm when I heard the whispers from last month I got scared and called Kacchan he told me to stay calm and to not worry he also told me he was on his way and told me to wait for him.

• Later •


Kacchan made it to my room and ask me what was it whispering and I told him it whispered inko... he was shocked and confused at the same time and I told him to be quiet because I was hearing whispers again... the whispers were saying "Don't lose her Izuku..." I told him what it told me, He was confused and so was I... so we made an appointment to see my mother and we visited her and then I just told her... "Hey mom... how are you...?" She didn't respond... She didn't even look at me, I was saddened... Kacchan whispered to me "Why would the random voice tell us this if she wouldn't even respond?" I didn't know why but I think my mom heard it.. but I didn't really care about it because I thought she wouldn't really care but she asked about the voice aka whispers but Kacchan said "If you be a better mother, you won't tell anyone right?" She said she wouldn't but Kacchan didn't believe her

to be continued ......

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