Chapter 3 - Murder

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As I was thinking of giving up so early I went to walk in a park after school, and when I looked around it made me jealous to see so many people sparking and making out... I got so mad... I Then suddenly hear a snapping sound like a spark broke... but I noticed that the snapping sound kept repeating and each sound kept getting louder and louder more louder and louder until everything turned black and then... ... When I opened up my eyes I was in an alley way with blood on my hand and my mouth... I was shocked and traumatized by that seen I saw the knife I had been using in my hands and turned around and saw a million dead bodies and each one was the people in the park I saw sparking... it broke me to see it... my heart was breaking just to know I did that... I DID THAT! "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I kept repeating the same word in my mind... I left the seen immediately when I heard sirens...

Tomorrow... •

I went to school looking down on the ground... Kacchan noticed me looking different as usual he seemed a bit worried as well... but I just walked to class without forcing a smile. Aizawa sensei asked me "Are you okay?" I replied expressionless "Yes." He was shocked to hear that type of answer... cause usually I'm cheerful and happy but after yesterday? No. I'm not...

After class I decided to listen to "Lovely by Billie Ellish" because her songs calm me and yet I can relate to them... and Lovely is one of my favorites out of all of them.

Eri Kami:

Ok- Ok- hear me out... hear me out... I'm just being a but lazy so let's skip him to go home...

• at home •

"OI BRAT GET READY AND CLEAN THE HOUSE MITSUKI AND KATSUKI ARE COMING IN AN HOUR!"My mom screamed, I did what she asked me to do and hid my scars...

an hour later

*ding dong*

I went to open the door and it was Auntie and Kacchan, I greeted them and so did my mom.

We looked like a nice, sweet and lovely family but it's all the opposite as you know... when my mom said that dinner was ready I barely picked any food on my plate and then scraped out my food again Auntie and Kacchan noticed it but my mom didn't really care if I was fed enough.

Mitsuki asked me "why did you scrape your food in the trash?" I said "No I didn't... I'm done eating." I went upstairs but before I could I felt someone grab me by the wrist I tried to hold it but instead I winced in pain after that they let go... it was Kacchan. He said that we were going to hang for a bit... and then he grabbed my other hand and took me upstairs.


He did it again... he's going upstairs... I ate up all my food just to excuse myself to deku...

I grabbed him by the hand but it seemed like he winced in pain so I let go... I told our moms that we were going to hang for a bit... I then grabbed his other wrist and took him to his room, I said "What's wrong with you today? Why was there a cut on your wrist saying "Why?" Is there something your not telling me? Why were you drinking? Why? Why? WHY?" He said frightened "K..Kacchan.. s..stop y-yelling s-so much... I-I'll answer them but p-please..." He seemed a bit scared and I told him "Look I'm not here to hurt you I'm only confused, you were acting weird lately, just tell me! Your cutting yourself your drinking yet your life is perfect so why?! Why would you do that?!" He said "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE!" I replied "IF I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING THEN TELL ME!" he replied "WELL THEN... I..I.. I'VE BEEN ABUSED MY WHOLE LIFE, I ONLY HAVE FRIENDS CAUSE OF MY QUIRK! I'VE BEEN PLAYED SO MANY TIMES, I'VE BEEN BULLIED, I'VE BEEN TOLD MY DREAMS WILL NEVER COME TRUE! I'VE BEEN TOLD THAT I SHOULD DIE AND THAT I SHOULD'VE NEVER BEEN BORN! AND MY LIFE IS ALL HELL! I CUT MYSELF, I DRINK AND I SMOKE JUST TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER! AND I'M SPARKLESS!!!" After he said all of that he fell to his knees sobbing hard, I bent down to my knees and zoned out for a second thinking.. "why would his mother abuse him... why wouldn't he tell me that? He's hiding a lot..." but then I snapped out of it and then gave him a warm hug filled with a lot of love and then I said "You don't have to hide anything from me you know, I would've understood" he was confused and relieved at the same time by hearing me say those words to him.


Kacchan gave me a warm hug filled with love, he told me if I told him before he would've understood... I was confused but relieved at the same time... I haven't told him about the murder... but I hugged him back, but I pushed him away afterwards, I told him... "Why would you care about a murderer like me?" He asked me "What do you mean?" I explained to him what happened I told him that it was sudden and I was shocked by the sighting... he understood and told me it was ok... he told me to keep pushing through the pain because not everything is always going to be nice, I agreed with him and saw a spark in his finger I saw it and said... "Uh.. your soulmate is near by..." he said "You dense idiot" he kissed me, I was schocked to know that he kissed me, I was shocked for a moment but then kissed him back. We started making out and then all the sudden Mitsuki came in and then saw what we were doing, she said "Uhm... Katsuki hun... it's time to go home... do you wanna stay?" Kacchan didn't really respond and Mitsuki said "Ok... I'll just take that as a yes...?" After that she left.

Eri Kami

To be continued....

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