Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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"So what happened with you and Jughead?" He asked me as we got up to our group.

"I broke up with him" I said and he gave me a shocked look.

"On a school camp? That's cold" he chuckled. I gave him an annoyed look.

"Sorry" he said as the instructor began explaining what we would be doing.

Sweet Pea and I were further away from the group so we were able to talk without the instructor telling us off.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he has not an ounce of trust in me" I said and he gave me a soft look.

"I'm sorry" he said and I gave him a half smile.

We turned our attention to the instructor so we could watch a demonstration on what neither Sweet Pea or I were going to participate in.

When the guy told us that we could begin building our rafts, Sweet Pea and I walked over to a tree that had fallen. We took a seat and looked to the rest of our group, standing their looking clueless on what to do.

"This is a sorry sight" Sweet Pea said as he shook his head, looking at them.

"I can't believe this is how we're supposed to celebrate our last year here" I said, looking as one kid began to take control.

"Yeah, this definitely isn't my idea of fun" he said as he turned to face me.

"Camping is the worst thing they could have done" I said and he chuckled.

"Don't like to get dirty, your highness?" He said with a smirk. I chuckled.

"What gives you that perception? Of course I love sleeping on the ground and building tents" I said.

"You didn't even build the tent" he said and I grinned.

"You wouldn't even want me to help, I'd be in the way" I brushed him off, making him chuckle.

We went back to watching the rest struggle, which lead to my mind thinking about the Jughead situation.

It hurts but I can't keep tolerating the way he continued to treat me. I constantly told him I loved him but he would still make comments that hurt me. I told him they hurt me but he didn't stop. I shouldn't feel bad for breaking up with him. I set my boundaries and he completely ignored them.

It sucks that my first relationship ends because of his toxicity. Like I do understand that sharing a tent with a guy really isn't convenient but I truly don't feel comfortable with any of the other people in my group. It's also more than that, it's an ongoing problem that needed to end, so I did it.

"If it helps, I think he's fucking annoying" Sweet Pea said. I could tell he was trying to cheer me up which was really sweet of him.

"That makes two of us" I said and he chuckled.

"At least you don't need to tolerate him anymore, he's the Serpent's king. I'm stuck with the bastard" he said.

"You forget that I'm a Serpent and he's apart of our friend group" I commented.

"Boycott Jughead?" He proposed.

"How would we do that?" I played along with the hypothetical.

"We could ignore his existence, like just not look at him, don't respond to him, kill him" he smiled widely.

"There's probably some rule where you can't ignore him" I chuckled.

"There are many faults in the Serpents, the biggest being him of course" he said and I grinned.

"You really hate him, don't you?" I said.

"Yep, he has no right being Serpent King. He knows nothing about the South Side and is only doing it because he doesn't have the guts to say no to the role. Plus, he can't respect you, so what chance does he have of respecting us? But I have to play nice because Toni and Fangs want too" he said annoyedly.

"Well at least you gained another Jughead hater" I said as I watched our group push their raft into the water, although they were struggling.

"It starts with two, we can grow an empire of Jughead haters" he said making me chuckle.

"I guess you should count Veronica, she was already over his shit" I said and he smiled.

"I've already tripled the amount of Jughead haters in the span of a few minutes. This is really great" he smiled. I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Betty, how come you're not participating with the group?" One of the teachers spoke to me. She's old and annoying.

"We both know why Carol" Sweet Pea spoke, using her first name.

"Sweet Pea you said it was just for you this deal" she said to him.

"Plans change, now walk along old lady" he said and she walked off with an angry look.

"What exactly do you have over her?" I asked him and he smirked.

"She and Mr. Honey fucked" he said casually, my jaw dropped.

"How on earth did you find that out?" I asked him in shock.

"Got sent to his office during math so I walked straight in and saw him balls deep inside of her" he said.

"Thanks for the visual" I groaned in disgust.

"I aim for realism" he said making me chuckle.

Little fact - agesss ago, I had year nine or ten camp which was for three days and as mentioned above, it had activities such as hiking, biking, rafting, canoeing etc and it was really not my scene. I managed to stay there one night and left the next day 💀💀💀 so tbh, this one shot is basically based off me. And the part where 'Betty' is placed with the sporty people is based on me, but I shared my tent with a girl I was okay/cool with. I hope you enjoyed this little fact 😂

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