Chapter 17

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"There it is, white picket fence and all," (Y/N) tells everyone. She pulls up, parking in front of the house. Being the first one to get out of the car. Followed by Leon, Piers, and Chris.

"Wow, this isn't exactly what I was expecting, " Piers commented. 

"Yeah, well no one expects a killer to live in a nice family home do that?" Chris replied. "Such as Wesker, why would you think he lives in this small trashy house?"

(Y/N) smacked Chris's arm. "Hey asshole remember this is my home," she told. "I have more good memories than bad ones here surprisingly." 

Chris rubs his arm where she hit him. "So how do we get inside?" He asked starting to look around. 

"Key." Everyone looks at (Y/N) in confusion. "What you think I don't have a key to my fathers house? What kind of kid do you think I am?" She reaches into her pocket pulling out a house key with her initials on it. "At least I am 99.99% sure my key would still work." 

"So there is a .01% chance he'd change the locks?" Piers asks. 

"Yeah and if they are changed he always kept a spare in the planter." She shrugged her shoulders as if it should be obvious for what's to come next. "I lost my keys a lot. And learned how to break into my own house." Leon starts to chuckle to himself while everyone looks flabbergasted at (Y/N).  

After a few minutes everyone composed themselves after what (Y/N) said. "So there are cameras once we get into the yard that Wesker put out just in case for intruders." 

"How do we get to the door then?" Leon asked. "Cause it's going to be hard getting to the door if we can't walk on the property."

"Well here's the thing Leon, Piers and Chris you will be helping Ada with a distraction so that's something you won't have to worry about." 

"Wait what?" Chris snaps his head to her. "What about you and Rebecca?" 

"Ada knows how to short circuit the cameras for five minutes which will give Becca and I enough time to figure out how to get in if the locks are changed." She explains. "Then we have about 45 minutes maybe an hour to make the anti-virus."

"I thought the it took a couple hours to make?" Rebecca asks. 

"Yeah but we have two people working on it. Plus I don't think these three can distract Wesker for more than an hour." 

"So we wait till nightfall?" Chris asks. (Y/N) nods at him. "Where will Ada be?" 

"Good question." 

Chris sighs out of annoyance. "Then how do you know she's going to even help us?"

"I trust her." (Y/N) walks back to the car getting in the drivers seat. "Just be prepared for anything. Whether she's their or not." She turns on the ignition. "But we need to go now before he founds out we were here." 

Everyone got into their respective vehicles. Leon with (Y/N) and Chris with Piers and Rebecca in another. Driving in a silence (Y/N) can tell Leon is uncomfortable with the plan. She can tell he is in a way fearful of what could happen. 

"You're overthinking it, Leon." 

"What makes you say that." He looks over at her. 

"Well you for one are quieter than usual." She looks at him for a brief moment. "And I know you well enough to know you don't like this idea." 

"I'm worried for you."

"Don't be. I can handle myself." 

"You got shot not to long ago. You call that handling yourself." 

"I'm alive aren't I. Leon you need to trust me. You out of everyone needs to trust me more than ever." She looks at Leon again with soft eyes full of care. "Chris, Rebecca and Piers can think I'm crazy with this plan but I need you to trust me and to be by me with my choices." 

"I do trust you but what if you don't make the anti-virus in time? What if you do but it doesn't work? What if -" 

"Leon. I promise you everything will work out." She said grabbing his hand. "All I need is for you to trust me."

Leon looks down at their hands and nods. He may trust her with what she wants to do but he can't stop himself from feeling something. Maybe it's just a feeling but he can't be sure of it. He doesn't know if this could go wrong or right. But he'll find out soon enough. 

Word Count: 756

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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