Chapter 14

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About a few weeks after the incident at Wesker's. (Y/N) went into a coma from the amount of blood she lost. Leon, Piers, Chris, Alex, Rebecca, and sometimes Claire and Ada visited her bedside for as long as they could. Leon, Alex, and Piers staying with her the longest. They would stay from 11 am to 8 pm sitting quietly having very little small talk with each other. Especially when it came to the nurses doing their rounds making sure (Y/N) was still stable.

A few more weeks have passed and (Y/N) still hasn't woken up. Chris, Alex, Rebecca, Claire, and Ada have been coming by less and less. All having their reasons for not wanting to see a close friend look so close to the brink of death. But Piers and Leon stayed with her. The men are both hoping to see their friend wake up. Or at least a sign of life from her.

At this point, she has been out for a month and a half almost two months. Piers slowly losing hope that the woman that he called sister knowing everything her father has done and the trust that she built with him, will wake up. He never wanted to believe himself whenever he thought she won't wake up. Piers wanted to see the bright side of things. But the more and more he saw her lying on the white hospital bed, the more and more he realized he might never get to see her before she got shot. He'll never see the carefree girl that she was.

On Piers' last visit to see (Y/N), he told her how sorry he was and that she would have never been like this if he was faster to catch the sniper. He beat himself up over not being quicker. Blaming himself every day since then. When he finished telling the unconscious how sorry he was, even though he doubted she could hear him, he gave her a brotherly kiss on her forehead and said his final goodbyes.

Leon on the other hand would not give up on her. He was there every day, not wasting a moment to see when she is going to wake up. Even when everyone told him she won't wake up he never gave up on her. Leon truly loved (Y/N) he would never say it to her. But the second she wakes up he is going to let her know how much he loves her. Every single day he is in her hospital room. When everyone else gave up on her that's when he started to talk to her. Leon read somewhere that talking to a coma patient could help speed up the recovery for (Y/N) to wake up.

When it was just the two of them at first he didn't know what to say but then he started talking about work or just how his day went. He'd tell her about the others leaving out that they never came around anymore but the fact that they miss her just as much as he does. Sometimes he would bring a book and read it aloud to her. And other times he would simply sit there and say how much he misses her, how much he wants her back.

It has been three in a half months and the doctors are asking if they would like to pull the plug. Leon being the only one who believes (Y/N) will wake up protested while everyone else thought it would be a good idea. Leon gave a proposition.

"Give (Y/N) one last week. If she shows any signs of improvement we keep her on just a little while longer. If not then we can pull the plug. But please just give her one week." Leon begged. Piers and Alex nodded in agreement while Rebecca was unsure if it was even possible for (Y/N) to wake up at this point.

The four looked to Chris to see what he thought about Leon's proposition. He looked around at everyone in the room seeing tears in Leon and Alex's eyes. Letting out a heavy sigh he agreed with Leon not wanting to see a friend go.

A smile spread across Leon's face knowing he still has a chance to see the woman he grew fond of. Every day that week Leon would not leave (Y/N)'s side. He stayed from when visiting hours started to the end. Sometimes he got a chance to stay a little longer thanks to the helpful nurses that saw him as a boy who wants his girlfriend back.

The week was coming to an end. Not knowing what he was going to do if she didn't wake up anytime soon. He knew he would have lost himself again. He knew that this would be worse than everything he has ever been through.

One last day for (Y/N) to show improvement of her state. One last day for her to wake up. One last day Leon would see her in this hospital bed. Not knowing the outcome of what will happen. On that last day, Leon sat there silently begging for (Y/N) to wake up.

"Come on, (Y/N) please wake up. We need you here. Alex can't go to another funeral. Piers can't lose someone as close as you two are. Rebecca can't lose the only person who saw how strong she really is. Hell Chris and Claire can't lose you. Think about everyone here that is losing an amazing person." Leon starts to tear up. "I need you. God, I need you so much and I just realized how badly I need you to stay with me. Please (Y/N) wake up. I have so much I need to tell you." Leon grabbed her hand lowering his head as he starts to cry silently.

After all the waiting for the (h/c) woman to wake up from her deep slumber, Leon felt a small squeeze on his hand. Thinking it's his mind playing tricks on him he doesn't move the position he is in.

"I never thought I'd see a day Leon Kennedy cries. Especially over little ol' me."

Leons' head snaps up and looks towards the beautiful woman awake in front of him.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost, Kennedy."

"You almost died, (Y/N)."

"Nothing can kill me. I'm way too fucking stubborn to die, Leon."

"I love you."

The second those three words left his mouth (Y/N)'s eyes widened as a large small grew across her face. She moved enough to bring her hand to the nape of Leons' neck and pulled him in. The two shared a passionate kiss. A kiss to tell him that she loves him. A long-overdue kiss. A kiss that starts the relationship between the couple.

"I love you too, Leon." 

Word Count: 1132

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